General Discussion

General DiscussionI can't get untriggered

I can't get untriggered in General Discussion

    I underperform lately because of my attitude in the game and it feels like a curse, no matter what I/my team do/does I instantly start flaming the team poiting out minor things where they misplayed or simply didn't do something that seems like a pattern to me

    If I mute myself I can't communicate anymore and thus will play uncoordinated but I don't really want to play "solo" heroes like Resolutions Antimage or a tower push lycan/furion because they bore me
    If I mute the allies I can't hear if they want to do some smoke ganks because they are mostly to dumb to alt+click on the things they want to inform the team about

    Is it time to simply quit dota or did someone have the same problem and "came back" from it somehow?

    What should I do?

    Mlada i Luda

      this is what is called " the syndrome of the knowledge on dota " . you probably are an experienced player , and you watch guides or pro-se, more than other players in general, that makes able to spot misplays, or have better vision for the game compare to other guys in your bracket, that have same mmr like, cause they are spammers, or more talented mechanicly probably , but your game sense and overall game vision is better and you feel all the time that your team is underperforming compare to you. you cant control yourself and you tilt and flame them. that causes that your team will be constantly underperforming, cause flame have that effect.

      you need to realise that you not playing with perfect players they will make mistakes a lot no matter what thery mmr is
      (or your just not in the same page,doesnt matter who is rightr and wrong). even if you play with 10k you can find some reason to flame ,cause they will not play perfect, mistakes happens, sometimes huge ones that cost you the game. you need to realise that and be aware , have no expectations, jsut relax and face the reality , if your not good in comunnication those things the plays your team makes will be out of control mostly of the time. this is the reality. DEAL WITH IT , no other way.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Give less fucks?
        Just another game of dota out of thousands and to come

        Mlada i Luda

          yeah that helps . dont get lost in the fog of mmr . this is the trap of dota 2 that everyone falls. they forget the main reason they are playing is to have fun. actually is paradoxal to me how people are more foccused solo matchmaking than at party . this is so fucked up . i mean its my point of view no judge anyone anyway. but icant understan this causei started playing dota with my friends many years ago and thats how i enjoy dota mostly . i played solo also many times yeah but at the time , iwas not even aware of pro-scene , and mmr ladderboard. at the time iwas 4k + i did not even realised that iwas in the 0.1% of the players. the highest mmr top ten was around 5k + at the time. what i cared more was to do some cool stuf with my friends . and to beat each other in lobby 5vs5.(the good old times XD) who gives a shit about mmr, and miracle or other pro-se. i mean i watch and play football too with my friends but idont want to be or to compare with c. ronaldo. hell no.

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            Don't worry about it bro, your like me, too good for the MMR number that your in and put alot of time into studying the game. Just don't are as much about others and control what you can

            Good luck with stress free gaming haha

            chicken spook,,,,

              dota is just a game


                How am I too good for my mmr when I am currently losing my games because of myself?
                How can I supress the urge to tell everybody what to do?

                Should I just mute all chat and imagine there are 9 bots playing along my side for some time?

                Mlada i Luda

                  dont mute all at begining give them a chance, but mute yourself from begining. than at the first sign they say something that might trigger you mute them , ignore them play your game, yeah pretend they are 9 bots, and those obts will not adapt to you , your job to adapt to them since your the superior human inteligence there XD.

                  your not too good fro your mmr, this cant be. but being better at dota , is different from being better at "gaining" mmr. they are similar and connected with each other , they are also so differente at same time.

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                    have you tried using a light switch?


                      I think that behind this kind of neurotic behavior there are a tendency to wanting to control situations and the need for everything to be perfect, with no flaws nor mistakes. It's typical of people who tend to worry and stress too much.
                      What you can do is, remind yourself that this is just a game, that mistakes are inevitable and nothing's perfect or can go exactly the way you had planned it. Especially on Dota, since being it a team-based game you have to rely on other people you can't control in order to win, not only on your skills. Everyone makes mistakes, you included, keep this in mind. On a practical level you can do something relaxing before you start to play, like listening to a certain type of music that boosts your mood and sets you in the right mindset.
                      I have this exact same problem and I tried to mute everyone, but I don't like to play with 9 bots either, so at least for me it didn't work. What you can do is mute toxic people for sure and communicate with the rest of the team. But most importantly work on yourself, every time you see a retard do something wrong that makes you want to throw the keyboard off the window recognize the feeling and then quickly let it go, don't think about it, focus on what you can do to win, because that's your goal. Just take it easy...

                      ...Said the retard with a behavior score and a mmr constantly dropping lmao. But seriously, try it 'cause I think it will work.


                        If your losing because of yourself then NO, you are not better than your number.

                        I guess I got a different issue where I see all the mistakes of people and it irritated me but I don't let that get me off my game.


                          Just take a break and play other games for a bit


                            people are facekn dumb ya hear me? especially those tilted 12 year olds that rages most of the time give the most stupid suggestions or have super bad decision making.
                            go play your game if ya win you gain mmr if ya lose ya learn.

                            im facken bored btw


                              people are facekn dumb ya hear me? especially those tilted 12 year olds that rages most of the time give the most stupid suggestions or have super bad decision making just mute them tards and go tell them what you think is right to do.
                              go play your game if ya win you gain mmr if ya lose ya learn.

                              im facken bored btw

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