General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden - how to play against Blood, PL, Brood

Arc Warden - how to play against Blood, PL, Brood in General Discussion

    How to play against those heroes? Whenever I play against any of them, it feels like I can't do anything & I'm just owned so hard that the game is pretty much lost. Sometimes I don't have roamers/supports to help me early on & it's not like I can go jungling as AW.

    Additional question - when to build Shadow Blade before Maelstrom? It feels to me that it's always bad, coz AW farms sooo slowly, but I see Vaxa sometimes doing this.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      switch lane, arc can't win the lane against them.

      if you're safe you go mid, if you're mid you go safe.

      additional answer - if you're already snowballing in the laning phase a 11-13 min sb could mean you could just walk into the enemy jungle and kill them non stop

      since they're behind they have to jungle to get items to go back to lanes, meaning kills are EZ.


        against pl u can rq
        against brood u can destroy items, she ends game pretty fast


          That's what you should do vs Brood mid.

          meteor hammer

            bloods what i pick mid against aw LUL

            Bill Cutting

              How the f do u lane invoked vs aw? Try to keep forges up to tank sw?


                Invo is strong vs arc in lane cuz arc cant use flux on him

                meteor hammer

                  every invoker i see fucks up and dies


                    If u lose lane as invoker to AW, it means he is just a better player.


                      AW is so interesting hero after so many try to play him i think I slowly understand that hero ... and i think arc cant win against bs on mid so you better safe and ask your sup to babysit you