General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips for me?

Any tips for me? in General Discussion

    I'm basically in a team that's gonna join some mini tournament here on our college and I want to know

    1) Which heroes or line-ups are good to pick?
    (I'm asking for some OP heroes or line-up that can work real good. I'm good with supports and offlane but I can do just any role in average performance.)
    2) What's happened since past months?
    (Is there a change on meta or some heroes become OP?)

    or maybe I'm just overthinking and should just go YOLO and lose first match. HAHA


      1. get as easy stun lock lineups as possible

      2. lots of changes


        Steady, aim and focus the enemy ancient. It works.


          Wait, where's this college which organizes dota tourn.? Where do you live boiii cuz it sounds gooood.
          Ok just play Veno/Necro and you'll win(with veil)

          chicken spook,,,,

            green heroes will give you the greens


              Pick LC jungle


                Pick flashy heroes so people will remember your name 😏

                Potato Marshal

                  5 man memepush. Safelane Jakiro and Luna or Drow, jungle Enigma (jungle in 2017, lul), offlane Beastmaster, and mid Pugna. 3 mana boots will alow Pugna and Jakiro to spam their nukes. Have Enigma skip blink, and just go for fast greaves, have someone else go Vlads. Rush down a lane once most of the team has their ults.


                    pick antimage and tell you team not to engage unless nessesary and not feed, farm and splitpush with am and push when you 6 slotted, ez win