General Discussion

General DiscussionMirana as Pos 5

Mirana as Pos 5 in General Discussion

    Hi, i am starting to experiment playing mirana as position 5. If you have experience with it, your help will be appreciated. All your opinions will be appreciated regardless of your mmrs.

    I hope there will be no trolls in this thread, thank you.

    I am thinking it is a good pos 5 with mirana has
    -natural skills to farm wave/nc and so no problems buying all sentries/observers.
    -has aoe damage, and long single stun, with only downside that it is skill-based
    -can escape rather easily early on, so its hard to feed as mirana pos 5
    -has ultimate that can help team gank/escape
    -can convert to hard carry as game drags on.
    -can snipe courier easily and also create first blood opportunity down mid.

    1) What draft is pos 5 mirana good against? Like for instance, what do you like opponents to pick when you play mirana pos 5, or when you see some heroes picked and you would insta pick pos 5 mirana?

    2) Position 4 heroes that complement pos 5 mirana.

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      1) mirana isn't a position 5 hero
      no other points needed

      I just looked your last 3 games you build midas on a position 5
      I am like 80% sure you don't know what pos 5 means

      inb4 taking the intelectual highground because of your blue star


        You can put any hero at position anything, that won't make it good.

        if you put mirana at pos 5 you're wasting her right click potential as a core

        you're wasting her arrow roaming potential as a support

        defansive pos 5 heroes have a reliable save, she doesn't, it takes lvl 6 for that to happen

        offensive pos 5 have a reliable easy disable or a lot of early magic damage, she doesnt, her arrow needs a setup

        when you play pos 4, you're usually the followup, rarely the setup.

        so a pos 5 for a pos 4 mirana would be sd or shaman or lion.

        but it's incredibly hard for a pos 4 to set up for a pos 5, probably only sb and clock could do it.

        maybe sk, es, slardar could also work, but that's a gamble because of the shape of hte safelane not allowing easy long range arrows.

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        yung griphook

          I think cookie said everything I was going to and more


            hey guys, thanks for the input, very good idea that mirana lacks in the reliability area, as well as the buffs/debuffs that pos 5 support could provide.

            For others input, please bear in mind that im highly skilled mirana player with very good arrow precision. with this in mind, i don't think it is a good idea i play pos 4 mirana, since i could achieve much better result as a pos 5 and let a pos 4 flourish.

            so far i have worked with Night Stalker, and Earthshaker pos 4. Need other suggestions.

            I used to play Mirana alot back in 2014 and I was playing roaming mirana, and my arrow was pretty accurate for my liking.


              the problem isn't that the hero wouldn't work in pos 5, it's that the lane is shaped in such a way that you won't get easy arrows no matter how good you are.

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                @cookie im not talking about the reliability of his long range arrow stun. It is skill based so it really depends on the player.

                Let's assume that a player that has above average arrow accuracy, does picking pos 5 mirana make it like 2 pos 4 in a team - with a free fully farming pos 4 [could be any support heroes that buffs the cores - io, rhasta, earthshaker, silencer, kotl, ns, sand king, clockwerk, treant] as mirana could provide all the support items, harass, and also do the stacking and pulling to keep the safe lane farm.

                I am going to spend more games experimenting pos 5 mirana, and would love to make it a hero that deserves a respect ban in pos 5.


                  It's decent. Just remember to report your 4 for being useless and thinking he's not a support


                    its ok, i guess
                    traditional lane baysitting pos 5 support is generally dead and not needed, and for everything else mirana should be fine
                    i saw quite a bunch of pos 5 es/riki/etc. in competitive in the last half a year, mb mirana could work as well


                      mirana doesnt really babysit as a support
                      barely even lanes
                      pos 4 mirana makes more sense, as a roamer, she also does need at least a little farm
                      mirana isnt one of ur disruptor or warlocks of dota who can lane well, zone well, and do whatever they do with boots and a stick


                        u can roam as pos 5 atm


                          U really didnt know exactly what pos 5 really mean do you?or what post 5 really must do

                          What i must said eh?Its felt like a slave


                            funny how all low mmrs just disagree lul


                              it's the tri-mid shitfest meta right now , why not


                                i feel like if ur safelaner is 1v1 and not getting shrekt its fine for pos 5 to leave, but there r lanes where ur pos 5 needs to be with the carry, or nearby, and mirana doesnt exactly help a lot in that scenario


                                  Position 4 Mirana is the best if you wanna support, Mirana is best played as a roamer similar to Earthshaker.

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    4 and 5 is interchangeable anyway


                                      I actually think Mirana is decent pos5. Not bad or good but she can play as pos 5 the problem is you depent a lot from arrow and asking teammates to pick independent carry(in 5k i think this is not problem)


                                        Definitely need a pos 4 w setup. When I think pos 5 it's gotta be a hero that can do a lot with just brown boot stick. What item would a pos 5 Miranda get?


                                          I think you need your 4 pos to setup. Doesn't matter how good you are at aiming the hero is really inconsistent without setup. I'm sure if that's covered it's fine. It doesn't babysit at all either but sadly safelane hard carries are pretty bad right now anyway.

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                                            "All your opinions will be appreciated regardless of your mmrs" The turnaround of DonFrank continues. I still have hope in Hanter leaving behind his toxic ways, if you were able to do it xD
                                            On topic with the thread. One suggestion would be roaming pos 5 Mirana, then 4 support to babysit. What I mean is that you still take on the role of being hard support, buying most of the utilities like wards, smoke, dust, tp while the 4 support build his defensive items, but you don't lane it in that way. For this to work, though, you'd need a pos4 who is willing to babysit during the lane, before being given his 4 position farm space for items. And not many heroes come to mind with this setup. Maybe something like a Tiny pos4, idk.
                                            I think the underlying issue would be that you'd have to build the draft around a pos 5 Mirana, doesn't seem flexible enough.


                                              roaming pos 5...
                                              I would like a vegan pork sandwich please and a atheist priest on my wedding

                                              I really like techies as a carry, pos 1. his dmg is decent and he has 250 talent dmg
                                              what the f do you mean he isn't a pos 1?

                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                She can be a walking gem holder and aura giver mid to late game and that's pretty much it. Also you need to arrow mid if not you're not playing her right. Shoot from the back so they can't see it coming. A 5 second stun on the mid hero is crazy good.

                                                In this meta you kinda need good supports that actually do stuff in fights mid to late game. Or you can go the vision denial route like ns which gem holder Mirana is good at. Because she is hard to killshe is a good early gem holder, so I guess she's great vs a lack of gap closers and bursts on the enemy team.

                                                The problem with her is that her disable is unreliable but if you hit it on a committed enemy hero that's value right there. Also she has low damage mid to late game unless you have a good game. Thus, I think she would struggle vs pushing lineups too due to her low damage mid and late game and thus bad vs high flash farm heroes.

                                                I think her main selling point would be her leap. Coupled with drums you can boost your core's attack speed a lot. So probably you'd pick her if you have a more than 1 right click cores. And She's decent vs melee cores I guess. Her ult gives her decent catch too plus a semi smoke on cd but she doesn't have good catch herself.

                                                For synergy I would pick a pos 4 with some sort of a save /aoe nuke/cc/ bkb piercing cc. Depends on the game really. But your cores would need have to have a lot of damage and cc to overcome Miranas lack of damage and cc. Kunkka is good I suppose.

                                                But ultimately you have to ask yourself why would you pick Mirana over something else? she's like a 1 in 100 games niche where somehow you have a lot of synergies in your draft which pairs well with her so you go "Mirana is the pick here" Also she can be a flex pick that doesn't tell anything to your opponent since she can be played as every role I suppose.

                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  She's like my most played hero a long while back btw


                                                    ^ You are on point. Has to use arrow after sniping / missing courier. Very high chance for fb.

                                                    definitely needs a cc pos 4 [night stalker , earth shaker , rhasta, sand king etc ]

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      Bane counts too


                                                        best partners for mirana pos 4: Lion, SD, Bane, Shaman, Rubick...
                                                        best partners for mirana pos 5: Bara, Kunkka, Shaker?

                                                        Played a pos 5 mirana game yesterday not because I wanted but because my other supp randomed a nightstalker and I let him pos 4. Built phase boots into drums, not sure if the most optimal but I wasnt getting much farm so I guess that helped a bit with leap + drum buffs.

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          I think arcane is better than phase but I'm in no position to talk anyway

                                                          Dennis 3080@2k

                                                            I think no matter how good is your skills, you can play any hero any position. The only useful skill as pos 5 is the arrow and it is not stable, however, I would assume if you could do good babysitting and make sure your carry is free to farm happily then you are good pos5. I think that is the purpose of pos 5.

                                                            But in theory, pos 5 should be the one absorbing the least resource from the map, you need to make sure that is the case, stealing one last hit or even jungle you immediately becomes the pos 4 and cancer of the team.




                                                                Play any hero i any position?


                                                                  Dota is a great game, everything can work. My last troll game I was pos 5 and it worked.


                                                                    Dota is a shit game, everything can work.

                                                                    Pump Cultist

                                                                      pew pew mirana arrow do stuff kapow support win game = ez new meta gg