General Discussion

General Discussionwhen do you get bkb on arc warden? or do you even bother getting one ...

when do you get bkb on arc warden? or do you even bother getting one at all? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Also does the clone arc share the same bkb duration as the main? Or does he have an independent duration? Or does the main's duration get affected by the clone's?

    Spec Deck

      The clone and main arc warden's bkb cooldowns are seperate from eachother. You get a bkb when you need a bkb.


        dagon better


          i'd rather go 6 boot build than buy any of the following:



            When you can't play dota without one.

            meteor hammer

              bkb has valid uses including hitting buildings uninterrupted and being able to more freely move into item cast ranges with your main without dying to storm or whatever

              meteor hammer

                dagons eb manta all trash

                ill get diffusal or deso or dumb shit like ac/skadi/satanic 10000x before i ever buy dagon lmao


                  Cookie EE bulid it this ti so I guess bkb is vaiable as 6 - 8th item

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    i'd rather go 6 boot build than buy any of the following:

                    Riguma Borusu

                      cookie is very particular about not getting a bkb

                      reasoning is buildings need to die for you to win, and buildings don't cast spells

                      chicken spook,,,,



                          And also bkb is a shit item you always want to avoid

                          meteor hammer


                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              i go bkb on tinker


                                Ee was learning from an arc spammer who bought bkb on arc


                                  Cuki has an unusual hate for bkb.

                                  meteor hammer

                                    bkb is a garbo item never get it ever especially against tinker :thinking:


                                      Never build blasphemous kooky Bar

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        idk why'd you go bkb on a ranged hero who generally avoids unfavorable fights


                                          goodshit 3453678774

                                          meteor hammer

                                            so do u just automatically lose every game u play against brew or tinker played by a non mongol or what dude


                                              hex force fixes both of them, and actually kills them.

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                                              meteor hammer

                                                i have 300 hex range on you, lasers a huge issue if you dont have bloodthorn up/mkb, but mainly i can just hex ur clone and chunk you with 400 damage lasers from a million range away because i can blink back every time and blink in a huge semicircle all the way around the fight if i have to.

                                                i know for a fact you don't buy blink on aw so ur basically relying on either ur team to gapclose or me to drop my brain and get hexed by an invis clone

                                                any brew worth a damns going to be bkbed when hes ulting if the games gotten to the point where you have hex, then hes going to haze + tornado and ur team will get run over 4v5


                                                  hahaha, if i'd ever allow you to jump on me first, that's hilarious

                                                  obviously i dont buy a blink, i have silver + hurricane like a normal person, good luck catching either one of my arcs.

                                                  if your'e that annoying i'll buy a shiva and then there's ltierally nothing you can do to come close to either of my arcs.

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                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    ur the one pushing into me sir im tinker

                                                    i have the liberty of using my teammates as meatshields because my abilities mostly cast instantly and i have an instant cast 1400 range blink


                                                      i don't have any issues with that, i'll keep you in your base till you have no $$$, because my powerspikes are way sooner than a tinker, your whole team will be dirt poor. good luck wit hyour marches on HG, because you're never leaving base.

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        i wasnt trying to debate anything other than that not buying bkb against tinker is game losingly awful in the lategame


                                                          ofc it's not, my definition of winning the game is purely economical.

                                                          i put you in your base, drain your income then put aegis on the other core and have him chop away at the HG with my magnetic.

                                                          i'm almost never the person who pushes towers in the late as an arc, i'm a midlaner not a carry.

                                                          current carries are sven/troll n shit

                                                          i have them do the dirty work while i sit in the back with my magnetics and crowd control the fight

                                                          same way you play your tinker, you aren't the frontliner, you're the followup.

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                                                            omfg that fucking autism pic
                                                            i think i have autism guys
                                                            is it because im a cookie fangay?


                                                              untill the meta changes, i won't change my opinion on any of these items, this is simply the most efficient way to play arc as of right now.

                                                              i can do a 100x better job with CC and positioning items, that provide some dps. rather than front lining items.

                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                im not going to claim i know how the game would pan out, ive never played against you and probably never will

                                                                it's not easy to deny me resources, but you would easily win anyway because a team without gold evaporates before i can kill 5+1 people


                                                                  and that is why i don't want to buy a bkb, i won't say the item is useless on arc, it can be really good

                                                                  but it simply is unnecessary for your current role.

                                                                  and that's the same reason i dont buy butter/skadi/deso/deadalus/ac as they simply don't help achieve my goal.

                                                                  they aren't bad, it's just that i have no use for them in my playstyle.

                                                                  if arc was more carry orientated, i could see any of those items being good

                                                                  hell even manta.

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                    too bad that cookie outplays and outthinks you so you automatically lose

                                                                    nice try though :thinking:

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                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      the perfect cookie build on any hero is 3 divines + 4 moonshards to maximize dps, positioning and survivability problems can be fixed by simply outplaying your opponent

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        actually do 4 divines 3 ms or 3 divines 4 ms give more dps on an average hero? :thinking:
                                                                        or mb its 3 divines crit 3 ms

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          fuck it, always get bkb when there is a tinker on the enemy team
                                                                          only reason i won this game was because I bought bkb after 40 fucking minutes because i thought my teammates could just meatshield for me


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                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            how to i love react to cookie comments tho
                                                                            tfw not as smart as cookie