General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the difference between offlane and safelane?

What is the difference between offlane and safelane? in General Discussion
KDA ratio is just a number!!

    Just asking, coz in LoL, we have solo top, mid, support, jungler and adc, what about in dota?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      I don't think it's that set in stone, you lane according to the game olan, your heroes and the enemies

      But generally safelane is better for the supports to stack and pull and zone the enemies, so you put the hero which need more backup on the safelane with supports andnheri that have to ability to survive against lane with supports at the offlane
      Or you can also put on the safelane heroes that are strong in the laje but access to the jungle is important to them, like lycan or ursa

      Jungler in dota is much weaker than lol, that's a greedy way to get a fourth source of farm, but generally it us advised against since it's much weaker than lane, easy to counter and overall really weakening the other lanes and make the life of the single support you'll have much harder since all the work of rotating and buying support stuff

      (tips fedora)

        Dota is probably pretty similar to LoL, you make smurfs and troll on comment boards because you have no life. You're picking it up very fast.