General Discussion

General DiscussionWholesome Dota

Wholesome Dota in General Discussion

    I like venting about bad games as much as the next guy, but I think it's also important to look at the great things that happen in Dota. Dota may be a source of frustration, but it's also a source of joy and fun.

    So this thread will be about positive events, memories and things surrounding Dota. Maybe you had a great game and did something cool, maybe somebody else did something great for you.

    < blank >

      They call me !Attacker now and then, great dota people <3


        today i had a game where i wanted to run down mid with couriers in my inventory and lose in <20 mins

        my teammate said "BRO, DONT DO IT". he pinged me. he bodyblocked me. he tried everything. "BROTHER BROTHER DON'T DO IT" he said.

        i changed my mind, thinking of this awesome dude. I did not want to break his heart, but i did not want to win either. I started playing. the enemy started feeding 5 mins into hte game nad we won in 10.

        thanks random dude <3


          Today my team didn't hold me back.

          ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴵ ᵈᶦᵈᶰ'ᵗ ᵖᶫᵃʸ ᵃᶰʸ ᵍᵃᵐᵉˢ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ

          AT&T Samsung Galaxy

            this guy told me to go rampage and i got a rampage lol


              Hunter banned FeelsGoodMan


                My first mk rampage, i just pressed q and r

                Dire Wolf

                  This one time I solo'd three heroes on TB. That was the highlight of my dota career. Basically nuked one down, I was almost dead, sunder to full hp, finish off that guy, solo the last. Happened in like 10 seconds.

                  I think it was this match. My teammates sucked balls, that anonomous weaver is like 1500 and one of my frieds irl so I was grouped with him and the pudge. PA was at their t1 bottom and I went to fight him and tinker and np ported in cus they thought ez kill, but they must not have seen my freshly bought bkb so I solo'd their asses.



                    my favorite match ever


                    i bought them all moonshards, they were still useless XD

                    the rest of my team had a sum total of 5 kills up to 1 hour into the game

                    PL got his first kill as we were ending.

                    but it was hilarious, neither my teammates nor enemies knew how to push.

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                      Proudest pub achievement

                      3x divine no deaths solo offlane lul


                        I played bot and got solo rampage feelsgoodman


                          it was unfair bots btw 😏

                          Pale Mannie

                            i was Tide in int ranked(lul) going my usual phase boots+echo sabre build without flame(like usual) and had a good time with both my teammates and enemies allchatting and throwing eachother the game even if it didnt look like it



                              Bot games are always fun, you get 5 man ganked 24/7 and an unfair matchup because they have unfair regen/cd


                                brood in bot games is messed up

                                i remember once stacking up 250 kills in 30 minutes XD


                                  Brood old low prio times were fun! Just stay mid, do your thing and win in 5 min

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                                      on a serious note, i miss the time when me and my friends played together, back in 2010-2011.

                                      and i miss the time when i was trading stuff for fun and d2l was alive, i got to know a lot of nice ppl, mostly from sea for some reason, with some of those i used to talk a lot about everything.


                                        When your support sucks your dick good

                                        Forget me not

                                          When the toxicity kick in I pick bloodseeker jungle. My 4 teammate keep saying to report me then I won all the three Lane for them by jungling near enemy offlane and bot Lane and help harassing the hell outta their offlane and carry.
                                          30 min into the game we pushed their hg and kill all their hero except viper . viper and all of our hero at low HP after the fight. The idea then kicked into my mind to give the viper my first skill the viper killed Lina first and healed, next he killed Sven, me. And lastly silencer and BB , getting a rampage.
                                          I laughed hard seeing the viper killing my teammate one by one .
                                          The happiest dota experience I ever have.

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                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Some dude went linken rush AM for fun in my solo game and the entire team just laugh
                                            Chat was filled with jokes the entire game
                                            Ye we won that game

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                                              ^ROFL plot twist


                                                I solo manfighted a lycan/luna/wk as medusa last week and won.


                                                  unkillable huskar
                                                  i fucking love this hero
                                                  wish he was less situational


                                                    I still remember my first game quite well. I was a CM, and late game my team and I were taking bot raxx while the entire enemy team had been wiped. The entire enemy team respawned then and rushed our team in a desperate attempt to stop us. All it took was my and Riki's ult to completely wipe them again. That triple kill I got then felt great, and the words "Radiant Victory" felt so sweet after the win.

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                                                    chicken spook,,,,
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                                                        When my friends (3 people) and I was sleep over my friend's house (another person), turns out that 4 of us plays dota (we are yugioh players lol, sleepover to prepare for following day tournament). The last one insist to be taught how to play dota (not that the rest of us are good anyway). Spend the night taught him in tutorials and easy bot game which somehow still manages to kill him 15 times

                                                        Obviously we lost the tournament due to lack of sleep


                                                          I'm having fun with dota again. 5 men stacks are the best, fuck ranked.


                                                            my last match was with 2 russkies, one of then pudge. first thought:
                                                            ето гг

                                                            then i started talking with them in very broken russian which was fun and the russky solo supported on pudge (what are the chances). we laughed a lot and talked shit and even won the game.

                                                            russkies like you instantly if you try to talk a bit of russian, be positive towards them guys


                                                              I miss the times when i didn't know about the existence of meta


                                                                Team in 3k understanding that AM aren't supposed to join teamfight early to mid-game and always let AM split push no matter what while they carefully execute a teamfight at the opposite side of the map

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                                                                  used to stack up with my friends and make funny combos and do stupid things all game and used teamspeak for voice. it was actaully so fun, thrilling



                                                                    I know what you mean. Back in the day I used to love just picking whatever I felt like
                                                                    But I also used to be a filthy techies player in DotA:Allstars...Good times actually, I even made a highlight video of my own techies, good 15y old me


                                                                      The game to me still remains the same(even with the meta changes and stuff) but the community itself has changed, a lot of my friends stopped playing, and my parties are not that fun like it used to be. It's more about tryhard and take the game in a serious way.
                                                                      anyways this match was amazing I didn't enjoy a match like this a long time ago. Super tryhard game, but at the same time really entertaining.

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                                                                        back in 2011-2012 i had fun playing in us west at 200-250ms. had lots of fun games "normal / high skills" and in some games i or other guys fed couriers, and trolled, and even so people still laughed. there was almost zero toxicity.

                                                                        i also applied beta keys in november 2011 and got them within 2 weeks. i got two keys and ended up trading away 1 key for a steam bundle [which cost actually very cheaply during sales].


                                                                          I remember playing a game as Abaddon shortly after I started Dota. Back then I was matched with similarly inexperienced players, none of which seemed to understand how Abaddon's ult worked.
                                                                          I was happily hitting creeps in mid lane about 30 minutes into the game when a pudge hooked me into his entire team. He dismembered my and my ult triggered. The entire enemy team apparently panicked seeing my health go up so fast because they threw literally every ability they had at me. I remember a ravage and a laguna blade being wasted on my ult. I had been frantically pinging myself the whole time so at this point my team arrived and won the easiest teamfight ever since the enemy team had ever single ability on cooldown. I even survived.
                                                                          I miss those days when I was starting out. That sort of stuff never happens any more.


                                                                            my original party from 2013-14 which brought me into this game
                                                                            initial playing with triple stack
                                                                            meeting spunki, mekarazium, ywn and some other really nice people i would like to meet and spend time with irl someday
                                                                            attending local lans followed by sitting with top players from czech and slovakia in pubs/restaurants, competing in one lan on my own and winning a mouse (it might be a small thing but i really enjoyed it and the feeling i have from that is one of the main reasons for getting good at dota)


                                                                              also playing against hanter mid while i got ganked by benao in one of the inhouse games was the most hilarious shit ever

                                                                              Nemesis 1941

                                                                                I've felt this game was falling apart for a long time, simply due to the community. Call me what you will for doing what I've done. I've stopped doing public matches almost two years ago now to escape it, resorting to co-op bots, but that didn't work all the time, so then solo bots, but that stopped feeling satisfying after a while, so eventually, I stopped altogether, now mainly playing Warframe. I have no idea if I will return to this game.

                                                                                If there's one memorable game to remember, it's this one:
                                                                                My first (and right now, only) rampage with my favorite hero, Luna. Was playing this match with my brother (the Invoker) and another friend of mine (the Crystal Maiden). Best moment I've had playing this game, and one of the best gaming moments I've had overall.

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                                                                                  A player on my team doesn't get to go mid because someone else picked Shadow Fiend. So he picks Chen, levels Test of Faith and carries 3 clarities, 3 mangos and 3 TPs. He goes around the map sending everyone back to base, disrupting their lanes and taking the farm. My team is relatively newbee so I tell them how to disable assisted help from Chen in options, and he becomes helpless. He goes for the classic walk down mid and feed, provide wards and gems and never uses his Hand of God once. The enemy Legion Commander has 440 duel damage and they have a Techies to defend their high ground. Naturally, since we don't have a real support, I buy a gem. I farm and split push, motivate the team and tell them what objectives to take. We prevail and win the game.


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                                                                                    I convinced a friend to learn Dota with me the other day, and I've been teaching him the basics and he enjoys it quite a bit.

                                                                                    Very refreshing as I've had issues getting friends into Dota so far


                                                                                      not having friends makes it hard i guess


                                                                                        What is it like having friends?


                                                                                          I have no fond dota memories since starting dota 2. Solo MMR farming is pure anguish.

                                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                                            i left this game and played league

                                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                                              played with my new friend and he randomed chen. we laned together and both rushed dagon nd he went 4-4-1

                                                                                              it was beautiful

                                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                                i introduced him to dota a year ago and he went to korea so we couldnt party, now hes back 🎉


                                                                                                  dota players dont have freinds