General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion.

Question. in General Discussion
lowprio gaming

    How do I get more VH skill games? thanks for replies :)


      just play dude its not matter anymore , ur going to calibrate max. 3.5k, vhs starting with 3.8k , dont bother urself oh i cant reach vhs games , it wont matter believe me.


        if you really wonder getting vhs is about how good u playing. get good kdas thats all.

        lowprio gaming

          okay okay thanks!! ahehe theres alot of changes that happened in dota. like in the first 20 something games heroes ar limited. haha thanks


            np, have fun :)


              Maybe you need to predikt your mmmer ?

              To git VHS you need team that dont hold u bek.

              lowprio gaming

                I dont really believe I lose coz of my team.. that is not a good mindset.

                lowprio gaming

                  i just need to improve myself


                    nonono tim holds every1 beck, look at SCCC his tim held him beck from weining de egis