Interesting for sure. But sounds cancerous lol.
Personally I don't like Any concept which relies on Long cd. Like something really stupid and Op so let's just make it Long cd. Ruins the fun. Like Doom.
Actually maybe using Midas on an enemy so He lose 200 Gold but you dont get any. Would be nice meme.
Well, that's such a realistic yet ironic solution
But early game mustn't be just warding/dewarding, zoning out and ganking mid.. I think a new mission should be introduced for support players which is controlling the enemy core's gold early game and also focusing on protecting their own core from being economically paralyzed
But early game mustn't be just warding/dewarding, zoning out and ganking mid.. I think a new mission should be introduced for support players
Jesus, you have no idea how much work does good support already, he does not need extra mission! He is hardly coping with what he has already!
The anti Midas item meme seems kinda funny since it could get cancerous pretty quick if a couple people on team build it then use it on the enemy hard carry . On banking the hard carry I could see team be like don't kill him yet let me steal some more of his good first . Get hexed then anti Midas x 3 then killed right before getting that relic money would feel pretty disheartening .
i want rick sanchez as a doto hero ! he are perfekt for add to hero roster xD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What we need is a lone druid skin where Sylla is Rick and the Spirit Bear is Morty. Then true form turns Rick into Pickle Rick. I'd buy the shit out of that.
It sounds awful. Let's not mess with enemy hero gold gains or xp.
However I would go for a hero who buffs your teams gold or xp, like how bounty does. Maybe you could have a hero with a gold aura, like cm aura, but it bumps up your teams passive gold a bit. Normal passive gold is 91 a min x 5 heroes = 455 a min. So maybe an aura that gives like 10/15/20/25 gpm to entire team? Not sure how balanced that is. Or an aura that isn't global, like 800 range, and increases xp gained by 2/4/6/8% or something.
I would go for a hero who can steal passives though or a hero you can steal or nullify auras.
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a whole new idea, with huge cooldown for sure. what do you think?