General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of 1500 - 2500 mmr bracket?

How to get out of 1500 - 2500 mmr bracket? in General Discussion

    Hi everyone. Just need some tips and tricks on how to get out of 1500 - 2500 mmr bracket.
    Like what heroes dominate this bracket? What role should I play?
    Farming tips etc. Thanks in advance.


      Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?




        From the man him self. Posted on another thread few days ago.

        Imo read this one 1st.
        i ain't even gonna bother to edit in part 2 into latex as it's boring, i'll re-edit everything and post it on dotafire in the upcoming week.

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          Have you tried not being a troll. @ cookie.


            I'm not Cookie and I just said what he says @ every thread LUL.


              Lol. okay. I am kinda new to this dotabuff thing. Well anyways the other guy's paper is pretty good and makes sense.


                Lend me your acc, and I can boost it to 2k for free


                  Dont worry I am a guy who values morality/decency more than anything else

                  honor guard

                    spam ES Xd


                      I can also boost ya for free
                      U can also go read those cookie articles above and try improving then grind urself


                        I believe that cookie is going to release the full guide through publishing a book i guess?

                        Dire Wolf

                          The easiest way at your mmr is to focus on farming cus you can just learn to cs properly in lane, how to rotate through jungle to get farm, and what items to buy. That's pretty static, you can almost always do the same thing regardless of opponents or what they do. If you just focus on that and at ~30 minutes have 2-3 items more than opposing team carries you'll win a lot of games.

                          Support or offlane are not harder to play but harder to learn cus you are reacting more to enemy, everything is more dynamic so there's not a single piece of advice that'll fix everything.


                            Dota 2 Bible: The art of destroying the enemy ancient.


                              nah, part 2 is gonna be in dotafire, not even gonna bother to edit it to make it good as a book


                                Its already good, looks like decent amount of time went into make it.

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                  spam void like mine


                                    Look at videos discussing dota mechanics and coaching for your role. You will realize you lack a lot of skills that can easily get you out of that bracket

                                    KitKat -.^

                                      i can coach you for free, add me




                                          This is like the skinny kid asking how he can get super buff.

                                          Or the homeless guy asking how to get rich.

                                          There's no quick pill. Keep playing, keep improving. Give it time. There's a big jump from 1.5k, so you'll definitely know if you're getting better.


                                            Go mid or go offlane solo play your best heroes. Always deny ranged creep and learn creep aggro .
                                            It's usually good if your best hero is a hero that can seige towers. Goodluck


                                              be better than total retard

                                              Keep It Rinse

                                                You have 58% win rate in ranked just keep playing?

                                                Ars Nova

                                                  well i was a 600 mmr player a year ago and managed to reach nearly 3k on ranked (int) just pick a hero doesnt matter what but get good with him so that you can spam. Its best to have about three of them and the rest generally just apply logical thinking into your movements and plays in game.

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    By getting to 1499 or 2501 mmr....


                                                      Step 1 : pick carry or pick he hero you like
                                                      Step 2 : buy damage item.
                                                      Step 3 : win the war
                                                      Step 4 : if there is any chance to destroy enemy ancient, take it


                                                        How do you counter Farmers player ?


                                                          Spam SF


                                                            I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.