Im pretty sure the build is smth like talon/pms treads lance (1 or 2) then blink hex
Aghs is optional but not necessary cuz the stat sharing doesn't come with it anymore
Dragon is mediocre now on meepo. 3 wraith bands rush dagger is the shit nowdays. And aghs rush is garbage. Don't ever get aghs on meepo.
I can't remember the last time I saw someone go aghs on Meepo since they made the attribute share apply without aghs. People just prefer quality over quantity with Meepos now.
Yeah, idk if I've seen anyone go for aghs recently, also depends on lane, if you play him mid then BoTs are ok imo, because you're trying to be active around the map and make the enemy cores life hell anytime they farm a lane with any of your teammates nearby, however if you're playing Meepo safe I'm pretty sure you get treads all the time, so you win the lane, farm the jungle and push the lane in
treads is better than BoT cuz it helps with farming jungle early and fighting early, which is actually what mid meepo wants im pretty sure
threads 2x wraith and diffusal before dagger then it depends if you need hex or just eblade and more diffusal.
on this patch, rarely some ppl build aghs on meepo.
pt - dragon lance - dragon lance - dagger - hex - eb
pt - wraith band - wraith band - diffu - dagger - hex
pt - wraith band - wraith band - wraith band - dagger - etc
i think u can learn from ^ (cast god) meepo's match 70% winrite Kappa.
but meepo got toooo much nerf from valve. feelsbadman
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Hi guys, I wanna ask if rushing aghs on meepo after treads or BoT is still viable? Im kinda spamming him to gain mmr and Im building the no aghs meepo rush dlance and shit then aghs if the game is long or whatever. Do you still think early aghs is great?