General Discussion

General DiscussionA few random questions

A few random questions in General Discussion

    1. Is the "Soul ring + tranquil boots" combination on roaming supports the best option/early game item choice? I do go for both sometimes but mostly one or the other. Are there any heroes where alternatives are just better and core regardless of the situation?
    2. What's up with the incorrect "First blood" counter on the profile in-game? Mine reads 262,897 which is obviously impossible. I thought it'd be fixed by now. Anyone know any fixes/solutions?
    3. I've gotten better at playing TA recently after an abysmal 40% winrate on the hero just by learning basics like how to psi blade and stuff. But what occurred to me is, are psionic traps really underrated? Especially in lower MMRs? In brackets where supports don't/don't know how to ward, it can be an extremely useful, low cost and fairly reliable vision tool. Would smurfers and boosters do the same?
    4. Are there any more battlecups coming up in the following weeks? I don't see a date provided in-game. Just got a ticket for levelling up and would like one last hurrah before the battle pass season ends.


      1. too costly. if lack mana use mana pot.
      2. dont bother
      3.its good for low mmr since no people bother buying sentry.

      meteor hammer

        Yes traps are rly good because you can have a shitton for free and put them on top of camps and in choke points.

        Even just the rosh trap is huge by itself


          1. not on all heroes
          2. no
          3. ye you should try to have all traps placed for vision if possible


            cookie 800 in 30 challenge

            Potato Marshal

              I use to build that a lot on ogre and spam ignite. But half the times it wasn't very good because I got my soul ring too late, which in turn delayed my boots even more.


                Yeah, its a fair point. Its a great combo for constant sustain and never having to return to base, just constant rotations top, mid, bot and repeat. But even when I get a mango and plan to make a soul ring out of it, I almost never end up doing it.


                  I think the staple hero for tranq + sr is pudge, but most other roamers want other items
                  The other heroes that go for that r usually offlane cores like Shaker and sk offlane.


                    In my bracket, the enemy lineup usually consists of 1 core and 1 support in top and bottom lane. That usually leaves my safe lane 2v2 against a usually stronger dual offlane. In this case, if I'm playing a roaming hero, I choose to go trilane versus their dual offlane. Is this a good idea? Or should I just stick to ganking mid? Or do both?


                      u usually gank what is killable. so it depends on the enemy heroes and on your other heroes.

                      Player 404335202

                        Even i want to ask some
                        1) what if we use cheese sfter hitting by appas ult
                        2)why my hero dies ? It says venos ult damage is not lethal
                        3)offlane magnus and np with blademail is good idea ?
                        4) how shud i practice to dodge 'things' with manta ? (Like call of axe ..stun of slardog)
                        5) playing with players with lower skill makes u more noob ??


                          1) get you the mana but not the hp
                          2) u got hit by veno or some other shit
                          3) honestly u can buy np or mag bm vs hero like tinker but dont rush them
                          4) nah use your brain to dodge them
                          5) yes but its not that big like you will lose 1% of your skill in 200 gamed


                            Anal boi ta question
                            Too lazy to read but this is the genera rule of playing ta
                            Dont roam otherlane to kill hero before blink only move to other lane coz u want to take their tower. Work on your timing and stack ancient camp and get rosh after deso


                              @Fidget Sniper

                              1. Ancient Appartition prevents all kinds of health regen with his ultimate. The only way to counter it is with a well timed False Promise by Oracle. Also, I think Weaver can Time Lapse out of it too.
                              2. Venomancer's ultimate does not deal lethal damage but his plague wards or gale may be the final tick needed to kill you.
                              3. Not the purpose the heroes are picked or played, but you need to get a good amount of stat or HP items before going blademail.
                              4. Create lobby/Play against bots/Demo hero. Its all about timing.
                              5. Only if you listen to what they have to say and follow them. If you think you're better, all mute and make your own decisions.


                                1. Only Pudge for traditional roaming supports. Although Soul ring is good cost-efficient item for spamming spells to farm or harass enemy. If hero has mana issues Soul ring is always an option
                                2. Don't mind
                                3. Underwhelming in teamfights, but vision is useful. (especially in lower brackets)
                                4. No more

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!