General Discussion

General DiscussionEnigma offlane

Enigma offlane in General Discussion

    Just been looking up the Enigma guides, and noticed that a lot of people have been playing him offlane, as well as rushing arcane+midas. I'm assuming the jungle tweaks are the cause of this trend, and I'm curious as to how it works.

    What should one be doing during the laning stage, other than the obvious things like denying ranged creeps and harassing with eidolons?

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      >jungle tweaks are the cause of this trend

      No, it's a thing for a very long time.
      Works in the same fashion as Lich. Think of Enigma as a mix of NP/Lich offlane: you deny the ranged creep with W and use eidolons to cs/farm jungle/harass, by perpetually denying the ranged creep every 35 seconds you push the wave to yourself.

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