General Discussion

General DiscussionWent from 5,1k to 5,7k in 3 weeks while playing support

Went from 5,1k to 5,7k in 3 weeks while playing support in General Discussion
Yung Beethoven

    feelsgoodman :)

    white boy summer

      sounds like the whiny redditors talking about how hard is it to support and getting 150 feeders in 16 matches




          i mean grats, but that's not even an even number

          why 5.7?

          Fee Too Pee

            tips for support dude , i am really try my best at supp . and see my profile. fucking wall of blood (red)


              Almost 6k fam good luck


                dont make threads like these, u'll jinx urself :x


                  @LYNX IS AN ASSHOLE
                  youre rushing aghs every game, how about getting some early/mid game items first?
                  for example one of your kotl games, you rushed aghs and got it at 30m.. whats worse in next 15 minutes you ended up doing only 900 healing.. with ags, really?

                  Yung Beethoven

                    @Cookie well i just wanted to show you my current progess, which is 5,7k atm. Hopefully it rises even more.

                    @vohio what do you mean? What is "jinxing myself"?

                    @LYNX well most of the time its about team composion. I mostly play supports which can easily secure your carries farm and win his lane. Lich and jakiro are my favourites. For example if you pick a venge and you are solo support, the enemy offlane is probably not going to get zoned out or even killed.
                    Also try to be always in a good position. Dying as a sup is normal but you can keep it a minimum if you position yourself good. But that is really a skill you can only learn by playing the game.

                    to the rest: thank you. I hope you guys climb also in mmr :)


                      im latino and i understand what jinxing fucking mean, reading too much crap i suppose


                        congrats on playing the easiest position in 5k+

                        Yung Beethoven

                          Since most of the people dont want to play support since they feel useless, i wouldnt call it the easiest Position.

                          Furthermore its about climbing mmr and a lot of ppl say thats impossible to climb mmr with Supports

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                            well it is the easiest though lol, there is no doubt
                            you can also win games while being useless
                            and those people are either retarded or are speaking of lower mmr where you cant rely on your carry

                            Yung Beethoven

                              Well if it is the easiest position poeple would spam it to gain mmr, but they dont. Why dont they?


                                I think raptured is tilted bc you have more mmr than him


                                  thats a pretty dumb approach to my statement


                                    If you're useless every game there is no way you will gain mmr by playing support 5k+
                                    Sure, you will get carried some games but you won't get above 50% winrate


                                      u can be pretty close to 50% even if ure useless entire game and then press one spell in key moment


                                        To suddenly get that much mmr over a short period, I'm skeptical. How do you suddenly become a higher mmr player or improve that quickly?

                                        basement :)

                                          How do you determine whether the pick should be Jakiro or Lich?


                                            Depends on how much you want to sleep


                                              what do you do when your the top mmr by a lot?

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                Stop trying to drag me back into playing the game

                                                Yung Beethoven

                                                  @Jacked well its not like i never had that much mmr before. Last year i had my highest mmr, which was 5815. Then i had a hard fall back since the meta changed rapidly in 6.87 - 7.00
                                                  7.06 is kinda my meta i im gaining mmr again.

                                                  @Roshan well most of the time i firstpick the support. So its kinda by luck. But still sometimes my team shows what they want to pick. If they want to pick heroes who have a lot of trouble to win a lane, or they have low armor (or enemy team has armor reduction and a lot of physical dmg) i pick lich.
                                                  if my carry is decent in the lane and we have a Team which can push very early its jakiro. Jakiro is not so strong in laning phase but he is decent in mid game (where lich falls off) and he is extremly well in lategame (lvl 25 ice path stun +1,75sec)

                                                  Yung Beethoven

                                                    @comcat it depends on what you mean by a lot. If its only 500 mmr and they are still 5 - 5.2k im fine with supporting them. If its more than 1000 mmr i'd rather play a core hero.