General Discussion

General Discussionstupid question regarding ember

stupid question regarding ember in General Discussion

    assuming u use flame guard to farm, theres a chance u might not have it in a fight, maybe i'm overestimating the strength of flame guard and u might not need it but still its got a decent downtime. as i said stupid question. I always seem to not have flame guard for fights or i save it and miss out on a lot of farm.
    Also my demo hero keeps crashing for some reason anyone know why?

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      What's the downtime of flame guard? At max level it is up for 20 seconds, then it has a cooldown of 28 seconds, which starts upon activation. That means, mana nonwithstanding, you have it up every 8 seconds. Maybe you're just getting caught at terrible times, like the last 2 seconds of flame guard before it turns off. At your high MMR(I wouldn't know for sure), maybe that indicates their wards? If they're timing fights perfectly within that ~10 second window(the last few seconds of flame guard are essentially null).


        I guess you can use flame guard to farm, but just be wary of the remaining duration/cooldown if there's an unavoidable fight incoming

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          This is my problem with arc warden early game when my tempest midas already off cd (pre lv 20)
          Most of the time i regret it tho (Save it for 100s++ or use it and have low dmg in fight)


            well sometimes i do feel like saving flame guard for a possible fight soon is a good thing , but he just farm so slow without flame guard (pre maelstorm) so mostly i just used it when its off cooldown to farm
            and also its not like you cant fight without flame guard up , hes still a beast with veil chain and 3 charge ult

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              Since this is an ember thread, is bf daed build deemed dead?


                I play ember a bit and i'd say u shouldn't really notice. See the fact with Ember is, u should be the one initiating. If u eat an initiation - Assume vs Puck or Lina or any lil bit magic nuke u are either gonna waste your flame gaurd ( Which is the a great early game dmg skill ) Or you are gonna get extremely low and have to waste a remnant and tp to base. Assuming that would take approx 7-8 secs u are back with stats but ur team is already dead. On the other hand if u initiate with a team mate, u are gonna get a good nuke on enemy. Maybe a lethal one. Now, if u initiate, u are surely are gonna be in check of ur remnants mana/hp and cd's.

                + i mean it takes forever to clear a wave without using fire ;3

                PS i think in 5k-6k skill bracket ember should be the one controlling the game. Not farming in some corner :p


                  im also crash for demohero , mayb volv will fix it soon


                    I don't mean to be offensive but what sort of expectations do you have on low downtime? Flameguard has a 15 second downtime. You're almost going to be able to use flameguard in a fight unless it was quick and decisive and if that's the case, I doubt flameguard would have been of much use.

                    Or are you talking about real early game while laning?

                    @feed all dayz only viable as a counterpick