General Discussion

General Discussion[Tips] How to get better in Dota 2 Solo Matchmaking

[Tips] How to get better in Dota 2 Solo Matchmaking in General Discussion

    You are queuing up randomly against 9 other players to play in a match of 5v5. Chances are that you do not know each other at all, or have never played with or against each other before. If you want to optimize your experience in the game and ultimately improve as a player, it is of ultimate importance to have few assumptions as follows:

    1) Not everyone will listen to you in your team.

    *If you understand this, when someone rejects your opinions, do not have hard feelings and crap about it. Continue playing and do not expect people to listen to you as you do not know them as much as they do not know you.

    2) Be ready to fill up the roles that are not taken.

    *With assumption 1, you have essentially accepted that there might be no one listening to you at all, so if they all take all the roles, play the role not taken. Doing so will increase your team's chance of winning the game.

    3) People make mistakes. Get on with it, no one is perfect.

    *If you understand that all players make mistakes, even those at the highest level, and even more so when you yourself make mistakes, stop bitching about it in voice chat or team chat. Crying about past mistakes all the time will only serve to exacerbate the negativity, not to mention it may completely tilt your teammates.

    *If someone constantly makes bad decision and play, there is nothing much you can do to help. Focus on yourself and strive to get most of the match. If a player is bad, it is his problem, not yours. There is nothing much you should do other than continuing trying your best and play. You have to understand that both you and the bad players are only matched up by the matchmaking system which is impartial. It would be only justifiable for you to give your coaching and scoldings if you were friends or in pre-formed team with many matches played together.

    *This is just a game with only arbitrary number in stake. While you should be serious in your play, all effort of coaching/counselling/correcting should be done on your own play, after all, your primary objective in all pub plays should be improving yourself as a player. Winning or losing should not matter at all if it is not official competition. Your ultimate goal should be perfecting your play, and raising your skill ceiling as a player.

    Remember, the only thing you can ever control is how you play, and that is where you should focus on. In the long run, as long as you play to the best you can in every matches, you will have higher chance to win any games regardless of your teammates.

    If anything, you should care more about how you play instead of how others play.


      i run it as a 3 tier system, going 1 by 1 down the line

      1. i try to voice chat
      2. i try to ping/draw on the map
      3. i try to type

      if none works, i just play like that person doesn't exist

      I would disagree on the 2nd one when a person can only play 1-2 roles(there's tons of players like that) then taking some other role would literally mean you'll have a way worse chance than taking your role in an non-optimal scenario or instapicking it. example i recently took support form a pos 5 only player, he ended up missing almost every single LH in the lane, if i had checked his profile or if he told me that he can't play carry i would've picked it myself.

      i do like everything else, i used to be a player that gets mad at teammates doing stupid shit

      like i legit got stuck at 2k once because i couldn't handle my teammates constantly picking jungle and because of that we ended up losing lanes, then i realized it's pointless to try to convince them otherwise and just went to work on my own game.

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          Why would i lie, i didn't calibrate 5k orginally, i calibrated high 1k.

          i wasn't born with 5k mmr dota skills

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            Yes once ppl actually accepted that u can't change the way your teammates play in your games and focus on yourself you improve

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              A kind post from Frank how unusual



                I save myself the problem in 2, since pos 3, pos 4, pos 5 are least contested and taken.

                Personally, i only seek to improve as much as possible by playing pubs.

                pos 1 and pos 2 are very easy to learn and master. However, i don't play them because they are always contested, and i cannot guarantee other teammates to be flexible enough to play other roles. so ultimately, by playing only pos 3,4,5 you get higher chance of improving since they are the backbone of team as well as very valuable asset.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  ^I can confirm with pos 1 and 2 being way easier to master than 345


                    i still feel liek pos 3 is the hardest to master.

                    sure, every idiot can learn to survive against a 3lane, but how many players do you know that constantly beat 3lanes

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                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      pretty ironic because its mids lane vs trilanes often and even the best of the best cant beat pub trilanes


                        That made a lot of sense


                          I was owning trilanes with clock and they nerfed it, poor me.

                          basement :)

                            i still feel liek pos 3 is the hardest to master.
                            sure, every moron can learn to survive against a 3lane, but how many players do you know that constantly beat 3lanes

                            The opportunity to win a 1v3 should never be present though. Ideally, the support stays long enough to ensure the carry can farm safely. Losing 1v3 just means the enemies are utterly atrocious. You are also just looking at the laning phase. The game plan of most off laners are simple: farm core items, usually boots, Dagger, or Mek; then follow your team around for ganks and teamfights. The role of off laners in teamfights are simple too. Off laners typically have 1 big initiation move. Once they initiate, 70 to 90% of their job in a teamfight is done.

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                              I have a question too,
                              SO IF I FIRST PICKED IO or earth spirit or elder titan, and i said i play position 4, but still ends up playing pos 5, but i excel at playing pos 4, WHAT should I do?


                                run down mid and feed couriers


                                  1) spam riki
                                  2) acquire the illusion that you know a lot about dota
                                  3) post on dotabuff

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    2) Be ready to fill up the roles that are not taken.

                                    Write by a player that play 1 hero 😂

                                    But you have my support frank,I love you for today

                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                      I muted my voice comms once because frank was talking in mic LUL. It was temporarily unmuted before that. What a coincidence indeed


                                        This is why I'm forced to play 3 roles in 1 hero if my "sumwan halp mi saprot" doesn't work

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          ^sounds like my daily BH task


                                            1) spam riki
                                            2) acquire the illusion that you know a lot about dota
                                            3) post on dotabuff
                                            4) profit


                                              i can see why jealous people are bad in dota


                                                You cant gain mmr if you dont play solo q

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  You cant lose mmr if you dont play mmr


                                                    frank is a weeb. lol

                                                    very good csgo player

                                                      Make a Riki guide