General Discussion

General Discussion how work truesight data ?

how work truesight data ? in General Discussion

    how work it ?depend to gpm xpm kda hd td? can it say how u are gd or bad and can help for say your mmr?


      no, its not related to your individual parametres


        so depend what?
        i creat some acc . 2 had f i tired from 2k mmr and creat another in these new i am a+ but iam normal skill now ?why


          it doesnt depend on the account, the dotabuff's policy about parsing extra games recently changed
          i didnt see any comments from devs yet so i cant elaborate on the topic much; but in general the system now parses more matches than it used to, and the change was introduced several days ago or so

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            so it no related to mmr? anytime have more information pls say in topic


              Give me sir


                Why u care about it


                  more mmr 4-5k not 2k mmr people dont know what is roam pull what can do items suport useless core not rly farmer but i like 3k players and more than it without need saying anything they know when what should do and that time u enjoy games i want go it but no help from others to say what i could do to improve it


                    i try to improve kda and it help me little and now have better teamm8 but how teamm8 that time my kda was bad no any player gd in team now i have gd kda have 2 player gd in team not all again at least no kids in both team.


                      besides u being a bit delusional which is not even the point, i would advice you to use a bit of punctuation when posting longer texts, cz so far ur english is kinda hard to understand, despite it being not that bad

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                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        more mmr 4-5k not 2k mmr people dont know what is roam pull what can do items suport useless core not rly farmer but i like 3k players and more than it without need saying anything they know when what should do and that time u enjoy games i want go it but no help from others to say what i could do to improve it

                        i try to improve kda and it help me little and now have better teamm8 but how teamm8 that time my kda was bad no any player gd in team now i have gd kda have 2 player gd in team not all again at least no kids in both team.


                        reminds me of those markov chain patch notes on reddit only isntead of patchnotes some1 put the entire contents of how to get vhs threads into the generator


                          what do for more mmr ? for better teammates ? avg kda for me was about 2 i try to improve it .now is about 3-4 . a little help me but not enough. when i watch pro match i dont see so much diffrent betwen my game and their . if i go lane and farm i can get gd lh and farm . but problem is this more time i am alone in team and others more times dont their duty and i should do their duty .like wards items for team .should i go alwayse carry ? i am very gd at it but when my team have 3 carry one tank i cant go it . and i should go some roam or sup .what i do ?


                            thanks for the punctuation

                            u might not see the difference cz ur point of view is kinda rigged (for more info see dunnin-kruger in wiki).
                            currently you are barely winning half of ur games at that potato rating. all the other 9 players there are on average equally bad. ur teamm8s suck but so do ur enemies, they also dont ward/get out of position and die/flame rach other etc.

                            an average 5k player wins about 80-85% of games of your current level due to doing less mistakes and being more efficient, even tho they would have a team just as bad as yours one. focus on ur own mistakes and dont blame others.

                            in general, prioritizing high gpm and kda doesnt win you games, neither improves your hidden rating. good players tend to have those ratios at high level as a consequence of them being better; trying to imitate solely this part is sort pf a false correlation. just l2p better.


                              even in those games u win, u die a lot, have quite a bad farm, and lack impact


                                so i need see my mistakes and improve that and need see myself poor insted of pro . short mistakes that i do or large them is my diffrent with pro players . i dont blame or flame others when i was bad. try to understand if i was insted of them what i can do . but sometimes in match enemy have gd eraly hero and gd late hero and team feed them .if i go farm they will be fat .if i fight will die .what can do this times ? and say me pls what i can do when my team going 3 carry and enemy 2 but my team's carry suck . what hero i can pick for help to my carry and being fat ? and how i understand my hidden rating ?


                                  hidden rating can be derived from the skill bracket dynamics of your account (normal skill for <3.2, 3.2-3.7 = high, 3.7+ for very high); or you can use the mmr estimator.

                                  regarding the picks, as long as you are not 7k, it makes sense to prioritize picking a hero you are comfortable with over picking a hero that ideally suits the picks. i dont mean u need to pick jungle am if carry is locked, ofc; just if you are playing pos.4 p, ud better pick ur best hero for this position, instead of, for example, an ideally fitting kotl that u never played before.


                                    you right. i play a game and try to carefully and calculate my mistake see my mistake . they were so much .ty . i think if i only correct my mistakes i can get better mmr estimite say i am near 3k .


                                      why you wanna to me read that shit?, i dont have Dunning-Kruger