Mid if you know what you're doing. Visage has no qualities of a support honestly, I don't understand how he has historically been played as a support.
I don't know the hero skill at all,and I don't pretend i know it like the idiot above me either.
Its not that hard to understand is it.... you tell your team you are a support....then proceed to get midas and not buy a single ward....they cant even report you because you win them the game....example ....my last visage game "just today so im very proud of it"
visage has historically been played as a support because he doesnt need items and does well in trilanes, makes perfect sense to me.
he is better as a mid without aggro trilanes
almost all my visage wins are as core.
Mid is great because he gets level 6 fast and destroys enemy mid giving him literally 0 farm unless enemy is noob enough to feed. but GOD that awful attack animation -.-
i get a really bad feeling about the game if i dont get a lot of kills in first 20 mins or so w mid visage
Visage support is only good if enemies are low on escape mechanisms. He has one of the highest killing potential on lvl 2-3, together with Chen.
For simple mortals, visage mid is a waste of LH. we should leave it for position 1, that's more usefull foro the match. My suggestion is to go safelane and support your carry until you both get lvl 6 (that's all visage really needs). After that, start gaining map control and ganking. Mostly go against supports and some squishy heroes. Go 1 v 1 against any noob who doesn't know about visage potential and never pick him against any full tanky team.
And yes, visage doesn't need any fisical damage ítems, instead, go for bloodthorne, daedalus, atos and solar crest.
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