I wonder if there is any mild correlation between H A V I N G L E G S and doing well in a marathon.
Can anybody help???
.zaB noice mockery, though seriously I would just like to see if there are high MMR players that could play at their skill bracket at 80 ping and above and see if there's any point to trying to climb with the shit internet that I have to make do with.
i'm not high mmr but i played at a constant 160~ ping 30fps until a few months ago
as with anything, you'll get used to it
40-60 ms
packet loss : 0-5 %
fps: 80-100
hope this helps in whatever your motives are
@Severe how do you even deal with last hitting with 100+ ping? when I play at 100 ping I literally feel my mouse has more weight, and when I play at anywhere below 50 ping it just feels like... I think it would be best described when you see that scene back in DBZ when Goku drops his heavy training clothes? and then everything feels light as a feather.
I am also at a constant battle of trying to keep my PC locked close to 60 fps. when lots of shit go on in the screen I fall down to 40 fps on the PC im on right now, and 20 when im on my other PC. At that point I just attack ground and hope I'm hitting an enemy hero or my hero has splash damage.
I have played SEA about 10 times with 130 ping and I hold my current mmr as long as I don't play anything that requires fast reflexes.
i dunno how to phrase this properly, but imagine playing with a high ping for a really long time. eventually, that ping will seem normal and it'll be easier to play. it's kinda impossible to adjust if your internet is lagspiking instead of a constant ping, though, so at that point i'd advise doing something about your net.
3,350 solo mmr.
65avg fps ( low settings)
38 avg ping.
Remember there was a 5k on here who played at like 20 fps tho
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I wonder if there's any mild correlation between M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S and responsiveness of your game