General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay dota on mobile data?

Play dota on mobile data? in General Discussion

    I cant have dsl where i live....a 3g is my only option.
    Anyone playing dota on mobile data internet?
    The consumption is 100mb average per game....the ping is what concerns me.

    The dl speed is 2 megabytes per second.
    Thoughts plz


      2 mb/s should be ok

      how about u create a lobby and see for urself?

      Act II Enjoyer

        Depends on network quality. I've been using 3G for the past month just fine; have something like 80-100 ping on average. the only issue is that occasionally the connection goes to shit and you get random 3k ping lag spikes. But otherwise it's perfectly playable.

        But yeah, the best option is just to test it in some unranked game or whatever.


          i play on 3g data plan aswell
          the game sometimes show that your ping is 110-150ms dont fall for it, 110 ping is kind of trap the moment the game starts you get lag spikes every single second so better not to play if its higher then 110ms
          back when i had adsl playing at 200ms doesnt lag at all while playing on 110ms on 3g lags like hell

          Giff me Wingman

            I tried playing on my phone as well when my internet went out because of maintence, it was 4g tho, so idk. Ping was 50ms and I had 62/41mbit so I guess it's very different from what u get.

            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

              Man.... I've been taking my internet for granted </3