General Discussion

General Discussioni been screwing around dotabuff and i found this

i been screwing around dotabuff and i found this in General Discussion
BROKEassNIGGA how could someone with 12k+++++++ games stay stack 0-2k mmr i just dont get it i though i was trash then i found this now i feel like a better trash.......


      14k games and still in normal skill bracket, if i were him i would have given up already and would have just created a smurf account.


        I'd say it's because he's done a lot of All Hero Challenges and his most played heroes are Axe, Jakiro and Shadow shaman, which you know aren't HC's so it probably was beyond his power to clutch wins.


          smurfing is easy if you know what to do but believe me making your own way out of ns feels far better that's why am still stack here xD


            1/5 way there I would already quit playing lol


              I mean if you have 14k games and is stuck on 400-600 mmr bracket with 40% win rate, dont you think that smurfing is the only logical thing to do?


                Russia 12,394


                  What if she simply doesnt care is shes 1kmmr? What if she doesnt care if her games are normal skill? Its pretty much wasted time either if you are 6k or 1k essentially, there is no difference.


                    But still that player is fairly amazing because he has 65% win rate as earth spirit, well my timbersaw teammate before is way worse than this player, at least this player has varied builds every game while my timber teammate has the same skill build/item build every game.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      the ladys 39 give her a break


                        Well maybe he just wants to have fun and play, different people different decisions and preferences.


                          i dont know if she's woman / man , old/young what am saying all that time is enough to make any brain dead persone a pro player :v looking at her recent games tho she looks like to get up to 4k before me lol


                            If the player plays for fun and doesn't care about strategy/meta, doesn't mean he's brain dead, just plays the game differently from you.


                              Well I hope your brain can comprehend some people enjoy doing some things even though they have 0 actual capability of doing it properly and progressing at it.
                              Yeah, for that amount of time looking from some objective view point, its not good. But, who the fuck cares?

                              Would it really mattered if she is 3k,4k,5k or 6k? No

                              What does someone who spend 12k hours playing the game and has 7kmmr got out of this game? Nothing, exactly.


                                Well I hope your brain can comprehend some people enjoy doing some things even though they have 0 actual capability of doing it properly and progressing at it.
                                Yeah, for that amount of time looking from some objective view point, its not good. But, who the fuck cares?
                                Would it really mattered if she is 3k,4k,5k or 6k? No
                                What does someone who spend 12k hours playing the game and has 7kmmr got out of this game? Nothing, exactly.


                                Also, you can tell the player is older as he doesn't want to smurf.
                                In my opinion it's a post 1990's kids that do that online, get new accounts just to look good, instead of just sticking to your original one that shows your flaws and how hard you worked (well not in this case hahaha).


                                  ^Except sense of accomplishment and enjoyment, well we all need to know that some players would prefer to just play and to them winning doesnt really matter as long as you are having fun, clearly that player is having fun cause he had almost 14k games


                                    coroner 12k games can give me enough skills and giving some time to make a team with 7k mmr i'd be able to take some local tournement for the extra cash :3 who knows maybe i could get good enough to find spot on the international games or get good enough skill so i can stream xD


                                      am 98kid yet i play only on my acc, cant leave all those fun times i had with it :v


                                        but hell yeah 14k games and didnt quite 100% enjoying the games hats down for that

                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                          Same reason why people who shoot 105 play golf. You dont have to shoot 72 to enjoy the game


                                            Everyone likes to win but maybe this player is aware he can't play HC, only support or axe (hence top picks), so he's stuck depending on matchmaking.
                                            Matchmaking either got worse for me personally or it's just the server player base, since I started to play on US East in the 2nd semester of 2014 on, my MMR dropped from 4300-4700 when I was in South America server to my adorable 2700-3100...


                                              Spamming only one Hero in DotA = You are nob

                                              Creating smurf account spamming one Hero = You are supernob

                                              Having created a smurf, spammed hero AND then laughing about how x can be in xMMR after x games = Kid or Retard


                                                do you for love of god see anyone laughing about how x can be in x mmr after x games ??

                                                all role player

                                                  lol dont laugh man... you get karma and stuck at your bracket XD

                                                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                    I think there are several players playing that account, sometimes his performance spike higher than his avg.
                                                    he lost his game as razor but he stomp a game with meepo? thats not realistic as 400 mmr player :/


                                                      Maybe the account is the family heirloom?


                                                        I got shocked too, especially when i saw his earth spirit win rate is very high sitting arount 65% while my earth spirit has lower win rate