General Discussion

General Discussiondragon knight solar crest build

dragon knight solar crest build in General Discussion

    Just wondering, sc give him so much cons; solve his mana problem, guaranteed kill(with stun), evasion, high armor. Why solar crest is 'not' popular for him?

    Riguma Borusu

      Because he's a pos 1 or 2 (mostly 2 but can work as pos 3 as well) hero that should focus on building other things most of the time. The reason armlet is good is because it gives you HP on top of armor, as well as 60+ damage and you don't really mind the HP drain that much.

      Solar crest doesn't do shit against nukes, disables or kiting, which are about the three things DK is most afraid of. SO you have to understand that Solar Crest sounds great, but it delays your armlet (hp, armor, damage), maybe your SnY if you're going for that (pretty decent on him right now), blink if you need to initiate, or your BKB if they can nuke you to the ground.

      Basically, the item is bad on DK because he already has a ton of armor, while he needs a shitton of other things to be/stay relevant, and a pos 3 or pos 4 can get a solar crest decently fast if you need to, and at that point you've saved yourself a slot and didn't fuck up your own DK item timings.

      I mean, of all the heroes who would buy solar crest, you picked the one that already has a fuckton of armor, while there are midlaners on which it would be a kind of decent choice (I'd say Death Prophet, maybe, the bitch really doth need armor).

      Mid alchemist also used to get this item a lot back in the day when it was even more OP since it solved all his armor problems and gave him 30% freaking evasion (jesus christ who thought this was balanced?).

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        i think cuz you going to activate it on enemy wish remove all the benefit anyway and its situationel, would be good pick against PA or other evasion / high armor targets other wise there's better items for that empty slot... (1k mmr)

        Potato Marshal

          You're better off just saving for an AC. At least that'll give you attack speed. Also AC gives aoe armor reduction (red dragon's splash damage is effected by armor values).