General Discussion


CU____UKIE AND HIS BELOW 700AVG GOLD QUEST in General Discussion

    there's 2 ways you can go about it, best way is to start mid and carry some TP's

    then teleport to the offlane and cut waves and take the side camps

    that way you can get like 150+ LH at 10-12

    2nd way is just staying mid then after pms + qb + treads + perserverance you start cutting waves and taking the sidecamps

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      'bwsj 20 hours ago
      Stop worrying about farming super efficiently and you'll become a better carry player
      Kicking the offlaner out of your lane matters
      Forcing rotations to your lane matters
      Map awareness matters
      Positioning matters
      Utilizing your gold advantage to the limit matters
      Punishing their mistake matters
      Making them chasing your ass everywhere in the map but to no success matters
      Not dying and feeding 1k gold matters
      Itemization matters
      Knowing your powerspike and the enemy team's matters
      Noticing downtimes matters
      Stop worrying about efficiency farming because that shit is so easy, you can learn that shit from short period of practice or replay analysis
      Please, don't narrow down your mindset' . APPLAUSE , mate big one. the only one actually that is not retarded , those are basic stuf for my opinion that every player with 500h or more should be able to know if its not retarded. but yeah god bles retards without them this world would not be fun att all, is the only reason im in this forum. seing a 5k player giving guides to reach 700 gpm like thats is everything a carry should do lol, all those farming patterns are max a 5% of game impact, 95% is what bwsj said.



        basic math

        it's weird how my narrow mindset gives me almost double your mmr

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          cookie 1k gpm for 7k player dont look so hard cuz they're simply so good at the game while am simply so bad at it, how ever am trying to get there :v

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              mekarazium but not every hero can be late game destroyer like PL,SVEN,AM that's why am practicing the three all together

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                100 LH at 10 minutes is basically nothing anymore due to midlane having 100 creeps at 10 minutes, you ltierally need to just add in 1-2 extra camps and not miss creeps

                literally every hero in the game can 100 LH at 10 minutes now

                now, you say you're trying to get 7k but you don't want to do any of the work

                what's the point of that?

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                  cookie i hate the middlane m8 i only play safelane / offlane that's why m8 am practicing the 80lh challenge vs bots right now still cant hit it with anti mage as i keep getting my hp / regen burned so fast


                    I believe my highest was 840, But gpm does not matter that much.
                    Worry about winning your game.
                    You'll remain in 1k if you are too worried about hitting creeps over towers.
                    Don't take tips from a 5k, get tips from 7k+


                      cukie how can i get 7k ?


                        haff u tried destroin enemy ancent?


                          bsj yea man u saying it like there's 9999x 7k mmr players who have nothing more then tipping a 1k mmr player...

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                              mekarazium in fact i have done it vs unfair bots wish are similiar to 1k players didnt manage to get 100LH @10 but i have managed to get around 350LH by the 30minut mark and i think that should be 700GPM now to try it vs real people......


                                that's not even close to 700 gpm

                                dear god, you're either super lazy or super baaaaaad

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                                  Don't focus too much on gpm, game impact is more important. Maybe you didn't get that extra side camp, but you heavily contested the lane of the spirit breaker, who now can't solo kill your cm anymore, he wil get desperate, dive under towers and feed, while flaming in all chat or smth(usually how it goes for me). You traded maybe 500-600 gold you could've farmed in the laning stage for a win. Don't get tunnel visioned on last hits and don't only play lategame cores. Picking lone Druid, getting radiance ac in bear and maybe vlads/aghs on hero and ending the game by min 30 won't give you high gpm, but it will consistently get you that mmr when picked against greedy drafts.

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                                    N O R M A L S K I L L


                                      G O F K Y O U R S E L F


                                        Normal skill asked for advice, I try to be helpful, telling him what works in his bracket, I get this crap? We're all just trying to learn, I share what's known to me, hoping to help someone, or get constructive criticism. But sure, that comment elevated out of normal skill, thanks for sharing


                                          Most important thing is u should pick am against multiple intelligence heroes (i consider 2-3) no matter how fast u farm even u can micro the manta to push creep wave while u farm jungle, earning the secure kills(of course with laning assitance support) also needed to improve your gpm xpm. If u met lack enemy intel heroes on the match, then try to versatile your picks :)


                                            People still think antimage is best against int heroes? :(


                                              Playing AM against OD shaman lion is better than against void SF slark 🤔


                                                Invoker vs am :thinking:


                                                  ENEMY HAS INT HERO(s) PICK ANTIMAGE!!!

                                                  - normal skill 2k17


                                                    Don't anger the cukie monster


                                                      Do cuki farming pattern u can get atleast 700gpm even if u sux just dont die