General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to cumback from major red days

How to cumback from major red days in General Discussion

    The highest mmr that I achieved was 4600. Now i'm only at 3900, do you guys have any advice or guides or anything that can help me cumback from my red days?


      With a WR of 46% how did you manage to climb the ladder? Most your hero's seem to lose more than win :/


        Give less fucks
        Gameplay polishing
        Taking a break
        Only play when you're fit


          i don't know man


            Before I had like 56% winrate ggwp


              I usually have a rule, if you lose 2 games in a row, don't play a third...
              The tilt is a serious factor that determines your performance...


                I don't think you did Vanellion I looked at your records and after 99 games you had under 50%, well in your first week you went 5-2 I suppose so yeah u had 71% WR but that doesn't really count... I find it hard to believe that you got anywhere near 4.6k with those win records..

                Player 153433446

                  In before road to crippling depression

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                      @SaronMoran here

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                        You have really low KDA for a 4k why is that?


                          > caring about kda


                            @DodongBot maybe because I farm alot? is that a bad thing?


                              play broken heros ?


                                @Bungmangler examples?


                                  Take a break and then start spamming on 4th position riki.

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                                    You stop playing dota and play some weeb games like kantai collection instead Kappa

                                    < blank >

                                      Pick legion jungle


                                        Depends on what role you excel at?

                                        Carry : Jug,Spec,Slark, Sven
                                        Mid: Voker, SF TA (apparently zues)
                                        Offlane, Cent abba clock
                                        Roam: riki, SB
                                        Pos 5: Lich, WD, Disruptor

                                        I dunno, just dont go spamming brood, brew, LD, Doom.
                                        basically weak or out of meta heros.


                                          dont do what xerxes said


                                            not buying an account helps

                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                              change accounts when you start losing too much. The older account will have easier matches because you will have improved at the game by then. keep switching and maintaining your winrate!

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                That's nothing I've gone from 3800 to this, 1000 mmr lost, and about 500 of it since April. Just get on these really bad losing streaks don't focus etc. But you know what? Does it really matter? No, not one bit. The games are really about the same level of bad in both mmrs. Losing isn't fun, but being 2k vs 3k vs 4k really who gives a shit if the games are about the same. Cookie says what motivated him to get 5k was he wanted higher quality games. I guess, but I'm not seeing a ton of differences in 2k vs 3k except that carries farm like shit in 2k and a little less shitty in 3k.


                                                  Play necro i went from 3.8 to 4.6 in 5 days

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    get motivated


                                                      > caring about kda

                                                      WTF is up with this comment? you think it's good for a carry to have a lot of deaths? wtf.

                                                      maybe because I farm alot? is that a bad thing?

                                                      I don't understand what is the connection between farming a lot and KDA.

                                                      If you are playing as a carry you should avoid dying a lot wanna know why because a carry that dies a lot is a proof that you have bad decision making also all those spent time on death could have been use for farming its a waste of time.

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                                                        @Bungmangler so all i have to do is spam heroes im good at?


                                                          can i also get tips on when i should join a team fight or just rat


                                                            @Bungmangler FailFish, the best pos5 to play is Warlock every single day.


                                                              The moral of the fucking story is you cant comeback from hereyou dont even belong. 200 games rank only and lose 600 mmr? Not counting party?


                                                                @Phenom well i calibrated at 4200 before then that's why but i've played dota for 3 or 4 years now

                                                                True North

                                                                  Account buyer. Has that 4.6 K boosted by BSJ?


                                                                    hahaha went from 4.9 to 4.2 in last two months, I think I ll just spam abba/necro. It's a little tilting tho so I might just troll my way to 0k

                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                      Spam techies or something


                                                                        all of this is just a nonsense talk if you want some real tips or guides/helps for your mmr sake GO TO GAMELEAP BRO !!! if you dont succeed after you watch some guides the real problem is your own skill or your attitude NO OFFENSE DUDE IM JUST TRYIN TO HELP LOL