General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion on KOTL

Question on KOTL in General Discussion

    Desciption of Recall mentions:

    "If the targeted friendly hero takes player based damage during this time, the ability is interrupted."

    What exactly is this player based damage? Can someone explain? Is it the enemy hero's damage or the recalled hero's damage?

    Also, does this apply to Chen as well?


      Seriously? No one knows this shit?

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        no its too hard dude!


          Mind = blown

          Act IV Waiting Room

            Any damage done by enemy players' heroes or units they control (basically everything except neutrals, creeps and Roshan).

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
            Act IV Waiting Room

              Actually nvm, Roshan does cancel it, and so does damabe done by units controlled by players on your team, so eg. Oracle can cancel it with Purifying Flames. Also, the check is done before any reductions, so it would cancel in the aforementioned case even if you were under Fate's Edict, for example.


                Enemy hero's damage.

                From dota wiki "Self-inflicted damage does not cancel the effect. Only damage coming from a player (including allies) or Roshan cancels it."

                No damage cancels chen tp (although it can be purged)


                  Okay, my confusion was over the phrasing of the term... I misunderstood and confused it with "base" damage instead of "player-based" damage... I was also unsure about whether Veno or Viper's poison damage over time affects this without either heroes actually right-clicking the Recalled hero during that time...

                  Also, I was not aware Chen's sendback can be cancelled by purge, that is interesting...