General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion

Question in General Discussion

    So after taking yet another break I have decided to come back to Dota 2. I have been keeping up with the changes by reading patch notes, just kinda getting a general feel not really analyzing them.

    I don't have any questions about heroes/item changes, but I do have a question about something that occurred a few patches ago that I read.

    It was a change to how Ranked Matches were found, more specifically it would make Solo Queuers go against only other Solo Queuers and how parties in ranked would be assignned.

    Now I could read the notes online and get most of it, but I want to hear from another player what those changes have been like.
    And one thing I can't easily read online is how have these changes effected the players experience; is it noticeable? Is the change welcome?


      seems to work pretty well.
      im 2.6. right now. before the change i played alot of games with lets say 1.8-2.8 on my team and 2.1-2.5 on enemy team. this doesnt happen to me anymore. if theres a 1.8 and 2.6 stack on one side, the other side will have about the same LOWEST, HIGHEST and AVERAGE.

      + there was that one game i played in a 5 stack with a 7k guy (whos party mmr is 4k) and three 1.5-2.2k's. for our team, the average PARTY mmr was 1k below the average SOLO mmr on our team.
      matchmaking clearly counted the 7k in tho

      still not fair, but old matchmaking would have given uns a 5stack of 3k probably because the 7k didnt count


        You should first tick strict solo queue option first though