General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone willing to critique my last ember game?

Anyone willing to critique my last ember game? in General Discussion

    Feel like I threw this game( Not sure what I should have done differently, Other than not flame my team mates XD, especially late game.

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      Why bm? Why u didnt build veil? Why you did not dominate the early game?


        why go spell amp if you didn't buy veil, why in the hell would you wanna buy BM 12 min in ? if only you went veil/BoT/Radiance >>>>> mjolnir/shivas(shivas is amazing here) then octa/linkens you would've won no problem provided that the game doesn't last more than 1hr against a 5 core lineup, but still you could've done better than this build.


          I went blademail for Huskar mostly. Not worth? I go veil a lot, just didn't think it was that good that game.

          I didn't dominate early game because I'm bad, hence the thread.

          Also, is it ever worth going +25 damage over spell amp?

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            I don't know a lot about how to play ember, especially in this patch, but building blade mail against huskar doesn't sound great... The more HP he loses, the more magical resistance he gains... And blade mail returns damage in the form you receive it, and 12 minutes into the game his damage is mostly magical... See the problem?

            Veil is almost always good as a first item I think, except BOTs if you wanna be more active on the map... Helps against huskar especially...

            chicken spook,,,,

              Eul > bm vs hush puppy

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                  this is why im not a fan of ember spirit in low mmr.


                    blademail isn't bad against huskar but I wud buy it after veil



                      U suck!

                      Did I do well?


                        ^that's more of an insult than a critique


                          "More" is the keyword



                            Potato Marshal

                              I don't understand your item build at all. You went blademail > bots > blink > maelstrom > octarine? > desolator??? > euls? > linkens? > battlefury?

                              You ended up selling half your items and it didn't even seem like you even knew what you were building and why.

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                                The build is almost always veil BoT (order depends for me havent figured out something surefire) blink maelstrom octarine (again with order)
                                Sometimes u need euls against silencer and blademail against shit like troll and linkens against legion, bat, pudge, doom, and sometimes u need bkb and sometimes u need shivas to kite etc. but deso and bf that late is retarded.


                                  I think the item against huskar is bloodthorn

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    Why bother with an octarine if your only magic damage item is a maelstrom and if he's going for a desolator right afterwards? He keeps flip flopping between the magic and the physical build and buying cheap items even up to the 50 minute mark that he's going to sell right afterwards.


                                      ur build suck


                                        I was hoping someone would watch the game lol. I'm sure my items are not ideal, but I don't think it is the main cause for my loss. And I did a pretty standard build until I decided to just rat and built deso.

                                        What were the game winning items?

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                                          bm first item isn't pretty standard
                                          also octarine helps to rat more, and it makes chains and SoF uptime retarded, u can blink a lot.
                                          I don't understand ur point abt octarine and maelstrom, octarine isn't only for spell lifesteal, that's mostly a side bonus.

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            But your item build is terrible, you bought a Euls when you were 6 slotted that you just got rid of a few minutes later. Why keep throwing away money when you could have easily gotten a daedalus?


                                              You guys need to watch the game. Deso looks beyond trash if you see it at the 40 min mark in build details, but I bought it because all I was doing that game was trying to rat. I wanted every hit on buildings to count. I'm sure its still not a great item choice, but watch how I used it and you will see why I bought it. Same with all my items.


                                                ye ur random gold spending was retarded, if u had a Daedalus this game wud be so much easier,
                                                and ye octa isn't as good with this item build but its still pretty good.


                                                  listen dude, ur making excuses, don't post a fucking thread asking for advice then INSIST that u had a good reason.
                                                  like u already explained why u bought deso and its still bad, so stop arguing for it.


                                                    @potato. I bought euls after I got silenced by queen orchid. Then I changed that to linkens after she got hex. Is that bad?


                                                      No one is giving advice lol, except Anomalina~(BM first not good, got it). My item build is trash, ok. What were the items?

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                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        Octarine would've been good if he had a veil, radiance, shivas or any other magic damage item instead of completely doing a 180 change in his build and getting cheap crap like a deso and euls.

                                                        Potato Marshal
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                                                            I switched out the Octarine later anyway, for double rapier and battlefury.

                                                            Player 368673122

                                                              always rotate to octa rad when youve got the octa and still useless cause that'll be your bread and butter both providing you to have an evasion debuff that'll heal you in proportion to how many enemies are in your vicinity (radiance tick is improved by your 10 talent also, not that it's huge but it'll be the only thing that can give you the FRACTIONS of a second where you're playing ember as he should but get JUMPED and perma disabled whilst you find yourself always just a tick or two away from having to be able to survive and simply vanish with 1 hp left , radiance also makes triggerhappy blink jumpers ruin their combo unless theyre VERY careful AND it's a perk cause if you DO get caught out there better be a lot of creeps to be givin you that juice spell lifesteal per tick to survive otherwise you look stupid as shit.

                                                              tend to get manta after just cause i love the ms to add onto the already hard enough to catch hero but it's when it's a hard game n u needa make moves but can't throw for no result so you leave illusion rad farmin lanes , they jump it and waste skills - openin to push, just gotta hold out man cause it's like invoker ember mid... if he nado'd ur maxed shield and what q w was lvl 1 - don't try to do it again but sleight of fist dodge it... don't use it till you see he's used nado for it's purpose jesus mofo christ

                                                              also sleight of fisting large groups and remnanting whereever around the circle is always better than trying to remnant after bein hit by berak cause of slow


                                                                ember builds just confuse the fuk out of me. and this hero is so difficult to play. it's really hard to analyze one normal skill game to say what was the optimal build. there's so many different ways to play the hero, and playstyle + team synergy matters a lot.


                                                                  in general, what i saw is that u went heavy phy dmg late probably because u needed to do more dmg quickly in fights (yea going control, magic dmg ember is really difficult in low skill pubs). i think the idea is definitely viable. but if ur going battlefury rapier, u get a lot more value from having a crit in there as well.

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                                                                    Yeah I think getting that second rapier before deadalus was a big mistake. I SoF'ed like 4 times defending our top rax at the end there and it didnt' seem to do shit.


                                                                      ok let me tell u smth.
                                                                      sven built a 9min sole MoM and got boots at 13 and echo at 19 blink in 30 and pns at 31 xD

                                                                      qop got a 23 min midas and 33 min orchid

                                                                      huskar also shitty item timings and armlet into shadow blade lul

                                                                      theur fuckin axe got a 20 min tranquil blink and mag a 28 min bott mana and blink hows that even possible????? pos 5 mag rip

                                                                      u wanna know what went wrong?
                                                                      u cant rely on ur team u can also see their item timings are retarded.
                                                                      u tho, made wrooooong moves.
                                                                      that bm is so bad vs the veil. oh the kills u couldve gotten from those heroes early on ...
                                                                      then tbh ur item timing and build early on doesnt feel right.
                                                                      this is what i woulsve done:
                                                                      got veil and killed huskar with bane ult more than once. killed the MoM boots @13 min sven, dropped his tower. asked bane to put those wards in enemy jungle when they had 4 farmers and a 5 magnus lul and killed the shit outta them. then i wouldve gotten radiance after vel bots blink. then a manta for qop silence and sven stun dodge. then octa and after that i wouldve proceeded the manta radi octa farm and push all lanes. u couldve put the enemy in their own side of the map and pressured them more and more toward their side that if anyone came out to farm u just couldve killed em. ur item build IS wrong but u didnt fuck the enemy for their baaaaaad farming and item build. like a fuckin mom boot sven into a freakin echo followed by a 20-what min blink... that guy could be fuckin raped so hard. and that axe and magnus blink times. and the qop 33 min first important item omfg dude u just handed them retards that game. punish the retards...