General Discussion

General Discussioni have lost 300 mmr since calibration

i have lost 300 mmr since calibration in General Discussion

    please can you mtell me how to win or what hero to spam? impossible to get out of 3k. i have tried to carry with different heroes with high kills and still ended up losing. also please add me , need some friends to calib party :) id :410969292


      spam viper, you guarentee at least one lane won.

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        distroi enemi ancient

        Story Time

          do not calibrate too high then...


            well i just asked if anyone can give a advice , not start joking :(


              pick slark


                have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                  play the objectives.


                    Have you tried feeding?

                    Many dreams die while suf...

                      you will get out off your bracket when u will be better then your bracket ,accept the fact that u are 3k, try to watch replay and learn stuff from better players . But never copy them try to understand why where , not just copy a build or a strat


                        Maybe ur just bad at carrying, try support


                          There is hardly some advise. Riki is good hero, if you keep going down with him and he is your best hero, maybe you are not supposed to go higher now.

                          Pick a hero you like and can play and feel comfortable and play with it. It can be riki. And watch pro players, watch high MMR rikis and improve. And dont play for MMR, it doesnt mean anything.


                            your highest winrate seems to be with support and offlaners so
                            keep playing that, instead of tinker where you have a 30% winrate?

                            If you're too lazy to look at your own dotabuff....


                              haha thanks for that. i can play offlanes and support well also riki that is my best but always i cant win when someone in my team ruin game feeding couriers or feeding :(

                              Story Time

                                but u cant expect to win everygame, can you?


                                  git gud and distroy enemie ancient


                                    Go read cookie's guide here on the forum to git gud.

                                    also jdf8

                                      i can tell you how to move but i cannot run a marathon for you