General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion

    Is this thread about unwinnable games? I never got the point

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      That is like ayy lmao and 5uper secrekt f1ght club at this point


        unwinnable games don't exist

        Potato Marshal

          This is just the complain about matches and teammates thread.


            I'm way past you mate lul.


              yes this is the ultimate whine thread if u want to complain about your shitty gAmes.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                whatever 4k is unwinnable once again(jungle dusa + playing vs lastpick brood)


                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  also who the fuck bans luna i had her banned 3 times today



                    The jist of it is.

                    Lina gets trashed mid, doesn't understand how a gank mid w/ SB works. No concept of how the game, in any sense, works. Just stands behind tower because he's a retarded peruvian, probably. Who knows?

                    Radiant Stealth Assassin abandons for some reason, even though his team is doing well and creaming us.

                    Lina decides this is a good time to rage quit. PA and Down-Syndrome-Doom decide to follow suit.

                    *Le sigh, this is like game 5 in a row where shit's just totally fucked up. Meh, there's always a chance the enemy all DC's because they're on LAN or something.*

                    So I stay.

                    Troll Warlord and AA quit, God himself doesn't even know why.

                    So now it's BH + Sniper versus CM + SB. It's worth mentioning, I (SB) am like level 8 or so at this point and Sniper's like level 13. CM's off jungling, telling me to go 1v1 Sniper, when BH has been in the same area where Sniper's pushing.

                    So I figure what the hell, I'll charge in like my CM (who's jungling....again, who the hell knows why? when 2 lanes are pushed to HG and 1 is being pushed by sniper) wants me to, I'll die, and he'll figure out this IS A TEAM SPORT. So I tell him to TP to tower, I'm charging, and we should get there at the same time. Sure enough - nope, he TP's a few seconds late, I die...yada yada ya, he cleans up the two of 'em and get's an "ez" double kill.

                    After me "making space" (ie: dying to Sniper + BH) several times, CM figures out he has abilities that can be useful in a 2v2 fight and don't only have to be used in a 1v1 or 1v2 fight, and it's probably better we fight together instead of letting the CM do the cleaning up. So we finally get together, gank them bitches, push, they both quit, and we win.

                    I can't even, anymore.

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                    Potato Marshal


                      Ancient 4 average match, ancient 1 player steal mid as Storm, doesn't understand how enemy Arc Warden's abilities work and he just feeds non-stop despite me ganking and kill Arc from the beginning. He wasn't ganked, Arc didn't get lucky with runes, Storm just didn't know how Arc's abilities work and just kept getting solo killed like 5 times the first 10 minutes before he decided to jungle the rest of the game.


                        This is the whine thread where I brag

                        Potato Marshal

                          Matched up with the same ancient 1 retard again. Told my team not to let him go core and they let him last pick safelane carry Mirana.

                          Potato Marshal

                            I don't understand, like 90% of my matches are over during the picking stage because people in 4k still have 0 understanding of what to pick.


                              I'm whining about people whining about their teammates who whine about their teammates.


                                hmm 2 unwinnable games with 5 carry sea doto team because the legends first pick their cores and the ancients tilt. but somehow we won those 2 games against conventional lineup in enemy team. i wonder whats happening.

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                                  I figured this game was unwinnable. A pocket pick of AA against the morphling is what turned the tide of the game.

                                  Game started off well, pudge ,gyro, myself killed puck a few times. Pango was busy feeding morph toplane (5deaths in 10 mins) From that point, Gyro starting solo farming and feeding various times despite wards, lack of map sense, spam pinging etc. Guy was clueless.

                                  At this point I had farmed aghs from all the killstreaks I ended , hindsight I should ahev maybe gotten glimmer before aghs, or Kaya, but I was salty as heck from my cores feeding.

                                  Things were going well , we mopped out a few kills and took some towers. Then after an attempt to ruin a rosh attempt both tinker and gyro got picked. they took 1 lane of rax.

                                  Game continues and they try and go HG, aa ult his all 5 heros, get a triple kill , some BB's needed by cores but we hold. push back and they did not save for BB's (Morph). We get mid rax and a bb kill on mirana and pirate.

                                  Take top T2 and bottom T2.

                                  Big swing. Basically 10k gold swing. everything is even.

                                  Then our cores feed AGAIN. they come to push down another lane of raxes. again however, we hold.
                                  they get top T3 but no rax. Pudge is a monster at this point with 6.5K HP (heart +fs) puck is getting wrecked by the atos, some clutch glimmer saves on tinker and we kill them.

                                  They BB to defend as gyro has a DD rune and we are pushing mid. Pudge gets some sick hooks and we kill them all, winning the game.

                                  Now this game, was a roller coaster. I am bragging (alittle) about this game because I never did dream that this AA pick would have such a high impact. NORMALLY i suck with this hero (wr 37.5% on 40 games).

                                  I was so pleased with my play, and the game that I had to share it. In this case, when my cores fed alot I was lucky enough to turn the tide(with pudges help)

                                  In this case, this game turned out to be winnable, when I was sure it wasn't winnable at all. :charm_highfive:

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                                  Potato Marshal

                                    I don't understand how people still completely go out of their way to screw up their own lanes. I first pick SB, then the next guy decides to pick Pudge as a second roamer, then the next 3 picks are SF, Spec, and Weaver to guarantee that none of our 3 cores have any disables. I even said what our team needed, and suggested heroes, and even told them not to go their specific heroes, but they do it any way and insta-lose their lanes.

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      Like what the fuck? This time I get a safelane weaver who disconnects and abandons in the first 5 minutes right after first blood.



                                        maybe its a divine power punishing you for being a weebo?

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                          Who is this character?

                                          Is that the girl from Tsurezure Children?

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            Abigail Williams from Fate/Go

                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                              I have nothing to do, so I'll analyse my games here.
                                              No whining, just sincere thoughts. Will help me to improve by writing my reflections and thinking through every lose.


                                              Should've attempted Orchid+Deso+Rosh and 1v5 fast finish.
                                              Thought there is no way to lose with 13 minutes Rad on offlane hero.
                                              Overestimated carry Riki and SF (thought they would be at least average players).

                                              The most interesting thing is that you can know whether a player is worth trusting just by checking their db/od.
                                              Like, you check these SF/Riki db and know that you made a fatal mistake by prolonging a game with them on team, but there's only so much you can do about it, when it's already done.

                                              I just wish I could see recent/overall play stats in Dota client during the picking stage, so I at least know what to expect.
                                              Shit happens. My bad for not preparing for the worst.


                                              Venge/ES intentionally griefing. CLQ-style.
                                              Shit happens.


                                              Lost my lane, because I played poorly for my level of usual play. Deserved to lose.
                                              Enemy Storm played really good, I played piss poor. Got tilted after 1st death and after that it was just a shitfest.


                                              Didn't see a way we could win with such a draft. Picked Furion for shits and giggles and just tried my best. Wasn't enough.
                                              Knew the game result at 0 mins. Was fun though.


                                              Medusa first pick + 2 passive supports.
                                              Again. I could've won solo, if I just went Orchid-Deso and fast-finished, but I went Radiance and lost.
                                              My team doesn't matter, I could've easily won this.

                                              They would do nothing to me, if I just went in and killed them all 15 minutes in. I thought I had a bigger time window, so I went Radi (I will finish the game a bit later, duh), that was a fatal mistake: I underestimated Medusa feed potential and how bad our draft is (two passive supports + Medusa + fucking OD, literally nothing to fight them with), Doom got Radi 20-ish minutes in, I could no longer solo-finish. Had to prolong. Our draft was uber shit, we couldn't fight and I lost.

                                              My fault for losing that one, no matter how bad these players were.


                                              Out of 5 recent matches, I lost 3 because I made certain mistakes and was a shitstain. My KDA relaive to my team doesn't even matter. I should be able to carry them solo, but I throw.

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                                                When you have the highest KDA, GPM, XPM, building damage and buy 3k worth of support items as a core and still lose.

                                                E V E R Y G A M E I S W I N N A B L E


                                                  yes i would say that game is entirely winnable tho. lol



                                                    pretty sure every game under 4k is winnable though, unless people are deliberately trying to lose or something

                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                      which is ~40% of the games in that mmr range

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        not in SEA, when i watch my friends in those range rarely do people give up and throw the game on purpose

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          Our spec disconnects and doesn't reconnect until right after he abandons, but we still end up winning. Green days are back bois.


                                                            ^^^ gotta love dem green days. I've been having alot more green lately after the calibration.

                                                            I lost one match thou, pissed me off.

                                                            chicken spook,,,,


                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                what are we looking @ here


                                                                  we crush enemy agro trilane, sf starts snowballing and we make an almost unloseable game

                                                                  then people start going for yolo kills, farm at stupid places
                                                                  then we go rosh and our sk snatches aegis so luna decides to go afk farm and runs away from teamfights with everything up while flaming me for "not buying any wards" and "not doing my job" while i'm playing against two gems


                                                                    this was quite hilarious though


                                                                      nicely done.

                                                                      So are you back at DOTA again?

                                                                      I had a game this morning (dazzle) and we decided to Aggro Tri Jak, Dazzle and NS against an AM, Orge Lion.

                                                                      We pushed like crazy, farmed well and crushed them. We then took al the towers, AM tried to rat but we took raxes against them.

                                                                      Doom proceeded to Flame the shit out of am, and then invoker for being so greedy.

                                                                      We pushed, communicated and didn't throw or feed. Great teammates, 10/10 would play with again.

                                                                      Was really fun to flame a dirty AM picker.


                                                                        Just had a 30ishk gold comeback by getting carried by my team yesterday.
                                                                        Every game is winnable.



                                                                          techies is a great hero. Should have won this game early played too defensively but I think i can blame it on the weaver.

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            I report every techies picker I see


                                                                              So are you back at DOTA again?

                                                                              can't say for sure after this game

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                Yep, winstreak broke. Literally nobody in this bracket knows how to deal with Zeus and Spec combo. I told them to watch out for that since the picking stage, and people still chase alone and get nuked to death every time.



                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    spec zeus wow nice job either u lose at min 100 or u win at min 100


                                                                                      40% of games below 4k people throw intentionally

                                                                                      arin is a very wise man


                                                                                        Have u ever considered
                                                                                        That Arin is just dogshit at dota like all of us and doesn't deserve higher MMR?


                                                                                          sniper is honestly cancer sometimes
                                                                                          lost a game even tho we constantly threw our bodies against rax defended by sniper
                                                                                          we got megas
                                                                                          then lost the fucking game to that cancerous little shitter
                                                                                          its literally impossible to do anything
                                                                                          i didnt wanna bkb cuz i was greedy
                                                                                          then i cudnt afford bkb
                                                                                          or buyback
                                                                                          nice hero, the knockback talent is actually cancer
                                                                                          i shud have gone bkb but i thought, "oh this little shitter isnt THAT cancerous"
                                                                                          well my bad for that dumb mentality rofl


                                                                                            most of my losses since i started playing again go something like this

                                                                                            we win early-mid game and build big enough advantage for the game to become unloseable
                                                                                            in mid-late, my cores start playing incredibly stupidly
                                                                                            then we lose

                                                                                            someone enlighten me what am i supposed to do about that from pos 5

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                                              Last pick on enemy team is a pl, great since we all counter him. But then our retarded witch doctor decided to rush a mek when our tide already had greaves. Proceeds to do nothing with mek because he's always mana drained. Our Luna proceeds to rush a fucking aghs and of course can't do anything against pl either. Our storm decides to rush a shivas instead of an orchid and tries to solo kill heroes like tinker and phoenix but can't do anything because he rushed a fucking shivas.

                                                                                              I don't understand how people can still fuck up basic itemization this badly in this bracket.

                                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                weekend dota

                                                                                                u all deserve ur loss


                                                                                                  i think i have noticed
                                                                                                  weekend dota to be significantly worse
                                                                                                  now that i think abt it