General Discussion

General DiscussionfUck you backseat gamesr no one likes you

fUck you backseat gamesr no one likes you in General Discussion

    gotta release this anger somewhere.....
    i hate it when you play invoker and everyone judges all your movement just because you're playing invoker. my last game on a fucking smurf (so i could play with a friend) had this fucking qop that wont stop telling me what spells to cast. BITCH DON'T YOU KNOW MY INVOKE HAS A COOLDOWN AND ALL MY SPELLS HAVE COOLDOWN? at the near end of the game there was a wr ratting us like crazy and was now hitting the throne I already used everything Icould, tornado, deafening, cold snap to stop her but THIS FUCKING QOP BLAMED ME FOR NOT CASTING ICE WALL LIKE BITCH SHE AINT GONNA MOVE THERE SHES ALREADY HITTING THE THRONE WHATS ICE WALL GONNA DO BUT PUT MY FUCKING ASS IN THAT WR'S FACE. literally when I just leave my forged spirits as vision she judging me for not microing it because SURPRISE we dont have wards. THe irony is the qop died alot of times in the same fuckingway, pushing alone with no vision on enemies at night time. he also has "muted" as nickname suggesting he was muted before and was fucking toxic well no shit. If you're a backseat gamer then FUCK YOU no one likes you




        ANGER! = released

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
        死の恐怖 Haseo



            lmao sorry guys now that i posted this i feel alot better now just ignore this


              ok... :thinking:

              Potato Marshal

                Ask yourself this, if you were in a game and a cocky teammate refuses to listen to others and says that he's really a smurf with a much higher MMR, would you believe them?


                  God bless


                    *dude telling me what to do and what spell to cast and when to cast it* - shitstorm of flame thrown in his general direction so he can usually stop playing dota for a while since his ego went to say hello to his id while writting reports to dota, steam, valve and god.

                    CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                      you guys are just exaggerating it :| only assumptions I did actually follow him like how he spammed to get the haste right in front of me

                      CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                        I never even flamed him it was the exact opposite I tried to put my shit together until the game was finally over

                        CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                          Ask yourself this, if you were in a game where you instantly get flamed just for playing a "difficult hero" in low mmr game and the same fucking guy literally narrates everything you do (*me casting tornado* QOP: USE TORNADO IDIOT), would you still listen to them?


                            I love the mute button

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Get bamboozled kid

                              CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                yeah thats what I shouldve done I also threw alot that game so my bad then


                                  Why didn't you just mute the person and then carry the game being a 'smurf'. If you're indeed a higher mmr player in that game, you should have had no problems right ?

                                  The mute function exists for a reason and is a god-send amidst all the toxicity rampant in the 2-5k bracket.

                                  CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                    this wasnt such a useless shitpost after all


                                      I won't stop to hear that bitch for a second, I will just mute him and don't ever be curious of what is he saying and unmute him, it's like removing a gas mask just to get a better view of surrounding only to be poisoned badly from the deadly gas around you. Once he start talking it out, there will be no stopping until everything is over.

                                      CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS
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                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          I'd do that as well but my irrationally big ego doesn't let me ignore a guy badmouthing my name. So to stop being curious it's better to mute everyone ASAP to avoid being drawn in to the argument and being emotionally-invested in defending your epeen





                                              You talk as if you were playing Invoker yet the last Invoker you played was over 19 days ago, which you abandoned and there was no WR.

                                              Why make up lies?

                                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                my last game on a fucking smurf (so i could play with a friend)

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  really makes me :thinking: indeed

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                  Dead Game, Don't Care

                                                    Everyone seems to be copying diox nowadays. That or this is just diox's other account.


                                                      i like to constantly remind my teammates why their builds are shit. sometimes i like to remind the enemy team too because i like to help them improve

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        I only get triggered by things like 25 minute midases, or really stupid shit like arcanes windranger into straight octarine back when the powershot cooldown talent still existed.


                                                          Often invoker players are braindead and it has nothing to do with cooldowns, but lack of adapting to the circumstances eg. preparing a gank and he invoke ss + ghost walk, use tornado to kill steal a pickoff and dont have it for incoming team fight, save enemies with tornado over and over again. Thats why this hero require a lot of skill.

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            lmao this guy


                                                              I expected Jacked would say it but he didn't: If you wanna play with a friend, BE A MAN, SHITHEAD!! Play from your own account! Don't ruin the game for other 5 people (enemies) who are probably using their OWN accounts.

                                                              sumail fan

                                                                i hear you. happens in SEA servers all the time. if you get irritated just mute. no point explaining yourself to a guy you wont meet ever again in your life. he knows what he knows, and you know what you know.


                                                                  afkers? so annoying.