General Discussion

General DiscussionAM talent level 10

AM talent level 10 in General Discussion

    Why most player choose +20 Damage over +150 Health? AM seems fragile early game and unlike Void, he doesn't have any kind of health backtrack abilities so he could be killed within one stroke if he is somehow caught in an awkward situation?

    This is not supposed to be a meme thread based on a previous thread that asked a similar question.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    doc joferlyn simp

      It's like PA Battlefury, it's retarded 90% of the time but people still do it


        20 damage makes you farm faster, it's not like you want to fight early with 150 more hp as am anyway.




            idk, whenever I pick AM the enemy will become magnetized to me that I can't buy a broadsword then come out of the side shop without being greeted with a multiple stun spell landed on me.


              Probably cuz he has blink and can be hard to catch him and he needs to farm fast.


                But I'm not dumb enough to not take the HP talent against LC/axe who starts hunting my ass 10 minutes in


                  antimage's passive does no damage. +20 damage will balance it, 150+ for durability and for burning mana and using ult to get ultra kill or rampage.

                  Savvy Cat

                    PA takes health because she likes to fight at her early power spike. AM and Spectre prefer to farm creeps at that time with the added damage.


                      AM rarely buys straight-up damage items, aside from something like butterfly and battlefury, so that 20 dmg actually helps when he has his items, and of course to flash-farm much faster.


                        dmg makes you farm faster = more items = tankier


                          if you're getting killed like that i doubt 150 hp will save you anyway


                            I only get hp talent vs annoying 1 shot comboes like nyx+voker or stuff like Axe/legion that uses your own damage against you.