General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinion on a possible buff for aghs

Opinion on a possible buff for aghs in General Discussion

    I was thinking to myself well a lot of heroes have good aghs upgrades but for some its just too expensive and takes up a slot that can be used for something else. Now i know what im about to say would be a direct buff to some heroes the rush aghs, but what if the recipe gets changed to an ultimate ord and point booster. Or even since that may be to good what if it just got changed to ultimate orb vitality booster and energy booster. I dont know if this was disscused before but i like the idea.


      Any ags that doesn't give you an extra activated ability should be rewoked and whatever the bonus was should be given as a talent, especially meepo, then give those heroes something more interesting.

      Also ags should be able to be made with any combination of the 3 stat items, giving you the stats you want


        adds an overpowered strong skill that is too powerful to not be a skill no aghs requires but buying the skill for dota money

        Savvy Cat

          I wish it incorporated variety stats to it.

          - 20 movement speed
          - 10 all stats
          - 5 armor
          - 125% mana regen
          - 6 hp regen
          - 10 damage

          Wind Lace (250) + Ultimate Orb (2150) + Chainmail (550) + Void Stone (850) + Ring of Health (850) = 4650 gold

          But every part would be decent to have for one reason or another in your inventory until the full thing was made; even on hard supports who lack armor or want the early movement speed.


            ^that is too versatile
            the only thing I wished was on my aghs was mana regen, it usually adds a new skill or smth along those lines, and usually when u go aghs u need more mana regen. otherwise the item is fine.