General Discussion

General Discussionis it actually better to max waning rift before illusory orb

is it actually better to max waning rift before illusory orb in General Discussion
mr. rabbit

    they both deal the same dmg at max rank but waning rift looks like it scales better

    or is the -3 cd on the orb more valuable than the silence?


      No shit it is


        Walking up to your ass with a 69 hp 0 armor hero to fuck you up good shit


          they do but the cooldown is crap.


            It depends on the game you're in.
            More levels of illusory orb is good because it allows you to hit things further away which is a safe way to last hit and wave clear, and is much easier to hit multiple targets than rift, and the reduced cooldown can sometimes make a difference in fights because when you jaunt to the orb you disjoint most projectiles (similar to a blink), which can allow you to dodge ranged attacks as well as single target projectiles that can be disjointed (sven stun, wk stun, vs stun etc). The other important aspect about orb is that its mana cost is lower than rift at lvl 1 and lvl 2 (and same at lvl 3), which means you get to use it more often in the lane than your rift early on, the difference of which can mean an actual bottle charge's worth of regen.
            I think you usually max rift first if you want to play a more aggressive role in the lane, especially if you have support rotations to help you gank, as extra silence durations can make killing mobile heroes like qop, storm, ember much easier. More rift lvls also help if you are going to gank other lanes early on (such as lvl 7 on a haste rune).

            mr. rabbit

              ye nvm u max illusory orb first because its much better in lane


                sometimes 2-2 or 3-3 is good if u need longer silence


                  what hero is that?


                    thing with rift is that its only a 3 second silence, while orb makes puck more slippery.


                      did u ever play puck sir 600mmrpoints?

                      can you explain why leveling orb makes puck more "slippery"?


                        oh it's puck ROFL


                          Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            can you please stop with the mmr dick measuring?
                            daddy is a valuable member of our forum and gives a lot of useful advice please stop discrimination against him or i will be forced to call moderators! =)


                              because leveling up orb lowers its cooldown so he can escape more often?


                                3 whole seconds!!!

                                u are "slippery" until u have maxed all ur basic skills and anyway either u max orb with 4-1-1 or u go 3-2-1 into 4-2-1 or 3-3-1


                                  ye lol idk what I'm saying
                                  cd reduction is better for farming or dmg lmao I'm retarded reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
                                  newfjoworwfno n




                                      you haven't seen my puck haHAA


                                        Normal Skill
                                        SKILL BRACKET


                                          Alice learning puck?