General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I join stupid pushes?

Should I join stupid pushes? in General Discussion
sumail fan

    Team has no mana left and are 3 men at varying HP while enemy is 3 man too, but all fresh from respawn, and consequently are at full capacity and ready to rip. I'm farming by my own self in the bloody jungle and the pings come out. I do have BoT but I decide not to go. As their luck would have it, they don't get the tower and get chased down on retreat. Long story short, I receive 3 reports that game.

    I want to confirm...I made the correct call, right?

    Savvy Cat

      DId you win?


        I mean u shud have been using the space to split push imo but not joining a fight like that is usually correct


          YES! try to get some kills with them.


            not joining is right if you get a better trade somewhere, and not afking blaming your team for making a stupid decision (even if it was a stupid decision).

            i assume they were that dumb because they had some kind of advantage and couldve possibly ended the game? maybe your presence could possibly have made a difference.


              you're correct , they just too dumb.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I assume it's a T3 tower push, and when you say you don't have BoT I'm gonna assume again you're in your own side of jungle and was always there from the start (Not TPed away from the push that your team is doing)

                Why are you not with your team again?

                Edit: sorry, you do have BoT but you still didnt join fight as an Invoker and resulting a lack of push after the snowball and everyone tired out because you're jungling

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                  @op can you explain it more in detail? where were they pushing? where were you when that happened? What do you mean 3 freshly from respawn? you clashed and team wiped your enemies and then 3 of them re-spawned? 1 teammate of yours died on that clash?

                  sumail fan

                    ja. simple issue. enemy lina had bloodstone, so respawned instantly, the WD and Sven tp'd as soon as they spawned, under smoke. I knew that coconut sven buff was going to be laid before us, so i asked them to retreat. But they are warriors from sparta and will under no circumstance retreat. they didn't expect to be waylaid like this, and thought they were going to get the mid t2. it was some 24 mins into the game and I HAD BoT, i had the creepwave to get me there instantly, i was playing Invoker, maybe i might have tornado'd and saved some lives. Now I'm feeling slightly unsure. Maybe i just refused to go because they didnt listen to me LMAO.

                    I was farming in the jungle because i wanted to get my bkb up before pushing. So...

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      you probably could have turned the disadvantageus reamfight into a rampage if youre good enough

                      sumail fan

                        ^well thats not saying much. I'm looking for strategy here not incalculable factors like individual skill.


                          Yeah what you did was a good thing, saved yourself from imminent doom haha. So did you guys won that match tho?

                          sumail fan

                            in the end. the 7 slotted sven thought he could blink jump me, and he would have too, if it were not for the fact that i was spamming tornado at lvl 25 cooldown. So funny thing was, i was just spamming to clear the waves and he sadly jumped the exact moment. What's even more lucky was he thought he'd hold off on bkb until after the jump. His team was nowhere near and were taking shrines. Wanker got overconfident and was caught out without buyback. We won, but through some degree of luck xD

                            BSJ. LGD

                              AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH XD learn to use quickchat

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Turtle-chan are you okay? You've been spamming AHAHAHA XD on every thread you've commented you seem drunk


                                  ^ LOL