General Discussion

General DiscussionRampage bugs

Rampage bugs in General Discussion

    I got 10 rampages and my match only gave me 2 rampage.


      10 rampage? or 10 kills = 2 rampage even though the 6,7,8,9,10 shows rampage.

      who cares, you were probably farming afk fountain heroes. lol that doesnt make u good at all.


        why is diox so dumb and noob. he probably plays against bots for stats. lol


          judging from your games you did not even get at least 5 times rampage you need at least 50+ kills minimum to do so


            he farms afk ppl for stats. thats why he always plays with new players. it's proven. he plays in normal skill and can't win in VHS, cant play ranked because he is bad.