General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR system question

MMR system question in General Discussion

    Suppose a really weak player plays enough matches to get a ranking and then starts playing ranked matches with a really low mmr.

    Then a very HS player signs in under the weak player's account and starts playing matches. Would the system be able to recognize this and start matching him against players of his ability?

    mr. rabbit

      no u cant jump mmr if ur alr calibrated

      if however, ur referring to unranked mmr then yes, a jump can and will happen

      doc joferlyn simp

        It's called...

        "Boosting" :wink:


          in ranked, no
          in unranked, yes


            cheers for the info


              actually no that's wrong, both in unranked and ranked there's a calibration period

              after the mmr is calibrated it's set to that number and moves up/down by +-25

              unranked mmr is just hidden and impossible to be seen, but can be approximated using opendota

              unranked mmr calibration is during the first 15 matches

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                Yes but what if your unranked mmr has been calibrated but then someone else starts playing under your account who is considerably more skilled than you? Are you going to be matches with weak players still?


                  yes you're still gonna be matched with weak players, here's an example:


                  goethe's shadow account, he gave it to me for testing, took me 40 games to get it from NS to HS.

                  i'm not talking out of my ass, i've tested all of this multiple times

                  40*25=1000 which fits as the acc was low 2k unranked

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