General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf chaos knight

Nerf chaos knight in General Discussion

    stun 4 second more overpowered than any other heroes with stuns. slow is okay like PA but stuns makes you super vunurable. ck needs nerf.


      shut up


        you shut up. what kind of noob would die a lot as CK like he's super tanky even with 2 items. no more informations.


          Let me just pick an abbadon to hard dispel anything with a low mana cost spell on a few second cooldown with a spell that also provides damage to everything in a certain aoe.. Oh wait, in 2k nobody picks supports.


            What he can do vs sven? Stun all of your illusions cleave them gg wp


              ^ What can Sven do vs lifestealer ? What is the point of playing data if everything can be countered ?

              mom said it's my turn to ...

                I could tell who OP is just by looking at title el em ey oh

                doc joferlyn simp

                  lmao the fuck




                      It's probably past your bedtime. Please get off the computer.


                        xaXAA im diox btw i tell ppl im pro btw actually im 2k btw

                        Pale Mannie

                          sven is strong u know


                            you can dodge ck stun with blink

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              you can dodge ck stun with bkb

                              Rogue Knight

                                Any hero can counter CK.. and items such as BKB, dagger and/or linkens or manta style can dodge CK's 4 sec. stun.... Heroes besides Sven can counter CK... Like shaker, Invo or any with AOE skills can shut him down or just a good teamfight both cooperation and good coordination

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Glimmer can dodge the stun, and if the stun is so "op" then buy a lotus so he stuns himself for 4 seconds.


                                    CK is fucking trash if you destroy him in the laning phase


                                      Something called counterpicking