General Discussion

General DiscussionBounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter in General Discussion

    Could any generous soul here take a look at my bounty hunter games and tell me where I am going wrong? :(

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      3 supports 1 offlaner? Super late mekansm? Linken? What is going on


        You know that linken could've been a potentially lifesaving force staff and a solar crest


          No immortal cosmetic item probably.


            Lol i do have the cosmetic :P Just feels a bit clunky so switched the item out.

            Linkens isnt required? I bought it because I felt all those big spells were killing me.
            Ill make greeves with mekanasm first before picking up other items?


              you dying isnt the worst thing that can happen.
              your core dying is bad. giving yur life away for a core is fine.

              even if you go linkens over supportive tools you should rather spam it on your frontliners instead of having it to "save YOUR life"

              slardar probably ruined you with his true vision on that ult i guess. these drafts are horrible overall btw, probably <2k mmr?


                Yea I hover around 2000 mmr. My current mmr is 1950 or something I think.


                  And no slardar never cast a proper ult on me. They all had dust all the time though.

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                    first of all - think about when and when not to pick bounty. hes very situational right now imo. those games were just bad for him, you cant do shit to 5core lineups with 3 or 4 str tanks. i'd rather go for lockdown and burst, like cm lion bara bane or skywrath

                    when you are playing bounty and the enemy team has detection everywhere + focuses in fights, then you just sit in the back and track people, throwing out a shuriken here and there.
                    i like that orchid pick. greaves are not too good as second or third item imo.
                    btw if you get urn and medallion you will probably be fine without mana boots, go for phase or tranquils instead in that case

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                      Think your item choice reveals you lack very basic understanding of dota. To understand what you need to do to get better goes beyond just this game, esp for a hero like bounty.

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                        What can I do to improve that? :(


                          watch pro games and follow guides until you can start seeing what problems do I need to solve and what items that are good on my hero solve this problem.


                            you lack imagination how too use your items greaves is really good and force staff so don't forget to buy it and solor crest, lotus orb and glimmer. malevolence would probably in the "situational item" and aether lense you don't just spam track you should help team to survive


                              Glimmer on Bounty?


                                glimmer on any defensive support! you dont buy it for the invisibility only, and you can use it on others


                                  "utility item" even a dagger would be good with bounty hunter


                                    for a pos 4 support you don't buy items for yourself you buy it for your team e.g drums or vlads


                                      But wouldnt glimmer be better on heroes which don't have an inherent invis of their own?
                                      And I have never seen a pro game with glimmer on bounty.

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                                          Pipe is better than glimmer imo, since getting $ is never a problem for bounty
                                          Making glimmer would mean giving the enemy team an opportunity to kill 2 birds with 1 stone


                                            a pipe is usually for offlaner so you can get pipe too if they deal so much magic damage glimmer have its uses but lotus orb is really a must go item for the dispel for glimmer it's rather an escape item for the team just not against zues


                                              Solve your mana issue early get urn, rain drops, basilus
                                              Play him as a semi carry he is an agi hero



                                                linkens is a shitty item for bh, only good vs lc. Better grab some purges or maneuverbility (euls, lotus, greaves, force, blink) and let enemy wasted their detection while also providing USEFUL tools for your carriers.

                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                  I hath come to judge thy bounty hunter.
                                                  In your first game, you had the right idea to buy medallion and orchid, but you bought them way too early. Also linkens was pretty unnecessary even if the enemy had lc, you could have just bought something that could let you or your allies live through duel, or prevent it. Mek way too late too. Item progression could have went urn > arcanes > mek > greaves > euls > vlads > solar crest > halberd/e-blade/orchid

                                                  2nd game: chen was deadweight. Again, could have went vlads/eul instead of linken. Also, it didn't seem like you won early game, and a bh that doesn't win the early game is super likely to lose.


                                                    I had another pretty shitty game with bounty.. I should probably stop playing him >.<

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      I like LC because I got some of her hats and I like hats, I enjoy how she is played as well. If you like the hero don't feel bad about losing. You aren't playing the game to have some more stress in your mind. Don't play Ranked if you feel you have a low chance at winning, you might just ruin the game for all the tryharders. I just realized that recently when I myself was teamed up with a guy who spammed Invo all his Ranked games and had an abysmal winrate


                                                        Tbh I liked the hero much better in the carry bounty meta >.<

                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                          If you truly intend to learn the hero you can watch how the pros do it :v


                                                            Any specific games? Or just go through dotabuff hero guide matches?