General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could i have done better this game?

What could i have done better this game? in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    I've recently lost a game as OD. I played pretty decent imo. However we still lost in the end. Is there anything I could've done to win us the game? (My team played pretty bad tbh but i'm not blaming them for the loss).

    Match ID: 3189538313


      U are shit/trash.. just accept it and move on. maybe u get out of normal skill after 3k games


        this was one of ur best games and u still lost a normal skill game. u need to learn how to be efficient. not chasing useless kills. but get good farm/cs early towers and so on. dont make useless rotates, grasp xp instead. and play heroes who can kill the whole enemy team. od is fine, but u need more experience. 2k games not enough lol..

        Dark Hunter

          Yeah well, how you expect me to "get good" if i keep playing against people in the same skill bracket. Honestly i'm glad i got to 2k cuz i started at 700... And just telling me i'm trash doens't help me at all.. @lardel5.

          However thanks for the little advice. I'll try to be more efficient next games.

          LETS GO WIN!

            1200 mmr after 2k games,U ARE AWFUL,stop playing dota you wont ever reach 3k or 4k at most.I started playing dota 2 before 2-3 months and i am 3.8 now and i will probably get to 5k till summer more or less.If u were any good u would be 4k by now,u are bad dude thats the truth.


              that's horseshit btw, anyone can get better at any point if they really put their mind to it and work hard


                Your team hold you back XD


                  maybe my comments sound rude but u are delusional if u think u are doing good at dota if u are 2k after 2,3 k games. play offlane or mid to have more solo impact in games. a good offlaner is probably best to screw the whole game for ur enemies. u have 60% wr on enigma. go play this hero till high skill. u get better at dota with better enemies.

                  Dark Hunter

                    I never said i was good in any way. Maybe if you people actually read whats there instead of making up things...
                    All i asked is how i could improve... And all i get is "you suck delete dota".

                    "that's horseshit btw, anyone can get better at any point if they really put their mind to it and work hard".
                    Might help if people would actually give helpfull critism instead of breaking me down.

                    Yeah i'm 2k. I know i'm trash. Tell me something I don't know already.

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                    Dark Hunter

                      @lardel5 I love playing enigma, but jungling feels so slow in the new patch :/


                        play more, check out r/learndota and r/truedota, watch high MMR players play the heroes you want to play before playing them yourself, check out DB guides section for each hero as well and try to figure out when/why they go x items on x hero


                          - don't look at mmr so much
                          - play only if you want to play
                          - don't interact with toxic players (most important!!)
                          - to improve skill choose several (1-3) heroes and spam them. I think on 1-2k the best result would be with elusive snowbally heroes which farm well (slark, ember, storm, sf). Some degree of coordination is required to bring them down, which is lacking in lower brackets
                          -also don't call yourself or anybody else trash, there's literally no reason for this toxicity (unless you're 12)

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                            Why is everyone shitting on this guy for being bad? He is literally trying to get better and all you can do is say "you are bad lol quit dota"


                              You guys are horrible people goodness
                              1. You died too much
                              2. Tower damage???? Ya I know OD is fucking horrendous at it but still
                              3. Where's the BKB? You're playing against disable shitfest, come on
                              Hex would've been better than shiva imo since your team doesnt have that much disable
                              Spam whatever you enjoy playing, analyze some replays, and more importantly, have fun


                                Rough replies. All the 2k-3k players talk a lot of trash it seems.

                                Looks like your team did pretty poorly in addition to picking an extremely greedy lineup and is that a CK support with just a random build of items?

                                I would have probably gone hex/bloodthorn. Probably not much you could have done to win that match without simply 1v5'ing the game but I haven't watched the replay.


                                  Judging from your lineup vs enemy lineup, I assumed you have 0 rotations against their roamers, especially after axe gets his dagger. The first thing I would do will be to sentry up mid lane and obs the potential highground jumps from axe, and keep doing this until your mid tower falls. The only thing to do then is to dodge fight and avoid dying while upkeeping your farm in lane, as OD isn't a fantastic jungler. In teamfights I would always maintain a safe distance and use astral to put certain heroes out of fight, in this case omni or necro would be most necessary.

                                  I think what lost you the game was itemization. If my team was full of cores I personally would have opted for midas, this would ensure that I do not take away their farms too much. My next big item would be pike instead of atos, having a riki running around throwing smokescreen is fatal to OD, and having the mobility plus range to hit axe and riki is always a plus. Then depending on how the game plays out, I might go into linkens or dagger, or even hex, which will eventually progress into bkb and shard.

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                                    20k net worth in a 54minute game as a core... enemy mid had 28k.
                                    should be more 30kish for both of you.
                                    when you watch your replay you will probably find alot of situations where you are doing nothing for a minute or 2. try to avoid such situations. sitting behind a tower or a hero just to be there in case you need to go in is ok for supports, sometimes for the offlaner. position 1/2 shoud look for a camp to clear or a lane to push instead and tp in if needed. be more efficient! you did probably never have gold for buybacks, could have eaten the moonshard and bought tp boots --> space for bkb and hex, dominate fights, create space for the luna to splitpush

                                    Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

                                      what is your item build? from this match and the next, it seems your atos timing after treads is pretty far apart. atos is crucial so you need to be getting it asap, otherwise it's pretty hard to fight without it. sorry I cant watch the game where I am now but i looked at the OD match you played after that as well - are you going treads-lance-atos? i usually get double null and treads then straight atos - it's enough stats to skip lance at my 3k level.

                                      your skill build can be improved too - there is no point taking ult at level 6 when u took 1 point in orb at level 5. i usually only take ult after i've maxed orb and passive. i also skip prison as much as i can because then you get a huge power spike at level 10 when you take the +250 mana talent, making you a beast fighter, especially if you can get atos by then. after that, keep going for pick-offs and objectives, no more passive farming.

                                      get pike after atos and then whatever items you need - especially bkb.


                                        Get more utility like dagger, stay behind during the clash. Don't go in right away, wait till axe or WR initiate and save ur teammate by using astral on them. Another goodpick up item is hex/bloodthorn. Also in that game, you need gem to counter their invisibility/wards. Apart from you, your teammates also didn't do anything significant to win the game. LD with no TD/Luna with little to no TD. Nothing much you can do actually if you guys win the clash and go back to regen ur HP.