General Discussion

General DiscussionQuelling Blade

Quelling Blade in General Discussion

    Why do pros doesnt pick up an early quelling blade in an early lane stage? ex.heroes like am,slark,pa,jugg for me its really hard to cs without a QB. any thoughts ?

    Pale Mannie

      because they can lasthit without it


        They still get quelling during the laning phase
        Buying it as first item is fucking stupid since if you get harassed out you'll run out of regen quickly and congratulations, you have to get back to shrine and heal and let the enemy offlaner get 2 lvl advantage! Now he'll shred you even more and snowball the fuck out of all the other lanes too
        2 set of regen is mandatory whatsoever

        Hatsune Miku

          if you are good u dont need regen


            only reason to get it in laning stage is to increase the window where u can last hit to avoid denies from enemy
            and cut trees ))

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            Erase Humanity

              Am eventually purchases quelling blade for battle fury. But why it is not purchased early is because it is available at side shop, safe lane cs is often uncontested, good supports are there to help, regen-stick-branch-shield-ring have higher priority.


                Are you referring to the beginning of the game by early OP?

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                  I usually get QB at the sideshop first or second (sometimes casual stick first against bb)

                  It's very satisfying now to just deny almost every creep from the offlaner, and now also gives you exp.

                  i dont think many offlaners can contest a CK with qb.

                  mentally handicapped

                    getting the slippers are more important the qb. pms negates so much of the damage taken by creeps and low damage right clicks, too good to pass up especially since this is the time that enemy offlaner/s can try to fuck with you


                      You don't get it at the start because u can get it from side shop and it's more important to have stout rather than naked with a qb and take too much harass.


                        Just learn tovlast hit

                        mr. rabbit

                          u wont be csing if u start with a qb anyway since the moment u get close to a creep ur hp goes to half

                          Dire Wolf

                            pros don't need it to cs in lane, they get it after to increase jungle farm speed.


                              Pro player have to pay double money


                                Well as everyone said its a combination of not really needing it to last hit and prioritizing other items to start with. I start with a quelling blade only when I'm confident the offlaner can't harass me much, like when I'm tb against bb/weaver/etc


                                  Queling blade is used to secure lasthits vs. denies and for farming jungle.

                                  Also you can buy it at the side shop whenever you like. I skip it sometimes.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    It's honestly too good to pass up to be honest, it's not like heroes have " slot issues " the first 10 minutes of the game.

                                    It cost 200 and almost guarantees last hits, and sells for 100 gold, you practically get your money back.