General Discussion

General DiscussionLS ursa matchup

LS ursa matchup in General Discussion
Coffee Bean~

    I got into an arguement witha friend about this lineup. I think lifestealer would always struggle against ang ursa. He says otherwise. Any insights about this?


      i think until like 30 min and ursa will destroy LS , after this ursa will start fall off like rock and LS will grow stronger and win


        Depend on who got abysal first lul

        Occasional playmaker❗

          It's based entirely on the rest of the draft and item builds. In a 1v1 scenario, Ursa would probably win 90% of the time. However, Lifestealer is still capable of bursting down an Ursa incredibly fast with the right supports. That also works the other way, saying that Ursa can kill LS easily with strong supports, but LS has built in Magic Immunity on a 16 second cooldown and built-in lifesteal to give him the sustain in a teamfight, whereas Ursa can only cast a BKB after he purchases it once in a fight, and he will typically have vlads taking up another slot. Meanwhile, those extra 2 slots that Naix didn't have to use could be used to buy an Armlet and Abyssal which gives him even more potential over Ursa.

          So yeah... in summary it depends on the draft.

          Story Time

            i think the word "lineup" was meant only in a sense of laning stage by OP. I suggest some one to go to private lobby and simply test Urza versus LS in mid-1v1 mode.

            Dire Wolf

              1v1 ursa crushes lifestealer. His ult means he won't die and prolong the fight so his fury swipes do way too much damage. But yes in actual game it depends and abyssal on naix with like a deso and ac/mjollnir/moonshard he can probably burst ursa down. Reverse also applies of course.

              Dire Wolf

                Honestly no one should really try to man fight ursa so your friend's argument is kind of dumb if he's trying to find heroes to man fight ursa. You don't beat ursa that way, you beat him by baiting out the ult with burst then kiting, or just kiting and finishing him last. Ghost scepters, euls, hurricane pikes, bkb piercing disables, all that stuff. It's more about supports or kiting heroes like lina and not letting ursa jump you. Or use blade mail :)

                Story Time

                  but in a lineup stage LS will be better i think due to his sustain


                    ursa is a lot stronger when LS is still weak. then when LS gets tankier late game, he can kite ursa easily and kill him after

                    Coffee Bean~

                      @storytime i meant match up ,sorry

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                      Story Time

                        :( it is ok, i guess i am not smart enough


                          Doesn't ursa aghs remove abyssal stun?


                            it does

                            but basically if ursa doesnt have ulti activated, naix in the mid game shreds a good portion of his health in 3 good hits with his armlet+deso+echosaber combination

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              unless naix has blademail and bkb I don't think LS can withstand 12 stacks of swipes or more.


                                ursa dies in ~5 seconds (calculation made in demo mode based on respective damage, as, hp and armor) to lifestealer alone in mid the game (unless he itemises specifically to not die vs naix), soit kinda goes both ways, depends on who is the one getting caught out

                                also if you picked lifestealer i guess you have initiation so ursa dies to almost any lifestealer bomb in midgame...

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                                  If u mean by manfight then no one can beat ursa 1v1
                                  U must jump to him if u want to kill him (and its only few heroes)