General Discussion

General DiscussionSven is now wrecking the highest win rate in patch 7.06?

Sven is now wrecking the highest win rate in patch 7.06? in General Discussion
Rogue Knight

    Ever since the patch of 7.00 or "The new Journey" update...Many heroes are buffed... Some are nerfed... And I'm talking about the Rogue Knight...He just got nerfed too good..Specially the items that has been changed... Now.. After a long wait, he is now buffed, over buffed in my opinion..Stacking creeps in a min. of 1 is finally back and now he literally is back in the new meta...currently has the highest win rate in all of heroes... He is now no. 1 and he out ranked the current highest win rate Spectre

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    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Zeus has a surprising winrate. Currently sitting at 2nd place behind Sven


        Zeus was already second behind Spectre. But while Spectre received a massive nerf to her haunt cooldown in the early game Zeus had no changes.

        Only weakness is that he's playing against a Sven the Sven can blink stun and kill him before the stun is even over.

        I don't like Sven because I've lost the two games I've played against him but if I pick any other safelaner I guarantee you the enemy will pick Sven.

        It actually sucks because it looks like PL is maybe finally starting to be buffed back into the game and in the one exact patch where this happens Sven who cleaves through PL illusions becomes the cancer of the month. Brilliant.

        Rogue Knight

          Do you build dagger when you use Sven?Honestly I would like to prefer Silver Edge than blink... but blink is still pretty decent to him tho...


            Silver edge/casual sb is situational (passive removal/need instant undetectable initiation against elusive fucks like AM, since they won't see or hear a sven throwing a goddamn hadouken up their ass)
            Dagger is definitely the safer choice most of the time

            Rogue Knight

              That's not all... Silver edge gives him a bonus stats and attack speed.. Thus this item is great for him... This is the only item in order to escape specially against Spec who uses Haunt when Sven is alone


                He really lacks mobility
                SB escape item rofl what the fuck?????
                Yea I might get SE against spectre but not to run when she pops a fucking haunt


                  It's good in low level pubs because basically nobody buys detection and won't kite the shit out of him but come on let's discuss about real games scenario when theorycrafting

                  Rogue Knight

                    Yeah!!and I can't wait to play him now the Sven patch is released, lol hahaha!👊👊👊

                    Shikanoko Noko

                      God's Strength now grants a bonus 16/28/40 Strength when activated
                      God's Strength attack bonus reduced from 100/150/200% to 80/120/160%

                      omg this bastard is really tanky in team fight

                      Pale Mannie

                        yeah i'll spam him


                          Silver edge giving ias isnt anything special, he can build bloodthorn or MoM or ac for that.

                          Rogue Knight

                            It should be 10/20/30 bonus strength when gs is active.. 40 strength is no joke because it is equivalent to a strength of HoT... A combined HoT and GS bonus strength is now a big buff to Sven.. If that happens then increase his movement speed from 290 to 300

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                              I'm glad he is back. Now I can play him.more. I loved stacking in last pre 7.00.
                              It is the only hero I never get bored


                                Lifestealer reks Sven now.

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Is that really your train of thought when deciding that Blink isn't good on Sven? It's actually better than Shadow blade and Silver Edge, by far.

                                  By your logic, I should just buy shadow blade on Magnus from now on, as well as Earthshaker, why not Enigma too! It gives him attack speed and damage, while blink gives him nothing right?

                                  Of course you can buy Silver Edge when the situation calls for it, but most fo the time you'll be going blink, it's just too good on him.

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                                      Blink better cos most of all u can farm camps faster. Buff to dominator solves hp problem. Rush domi and start stacking. Ez 22 min boots, domi, blink, echo sabre, deadalus/bkb

                                      Just please no mom.




                                          Ah and the meta changed a lot now. Im glad valve made a step back to 6.86.

                                          What why? U cant stack with Mom. And 10 hp reg + svens armor is enough for jungling without need to go back to base.

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                                            I played sven and while the new ulti does make him really tanky, I felt the that his dmg. output has been severely nerfed until he gets crit (and crit -whether deadulus or bloodthorn - is now absolutely essential for him)

                                            Can someone do the math on how much his dmg. output has changed after the patch, on all 3 levels of ulti?


                                              Pretty sure lone wolf calculated to deal more dmg than previous patch you need about 120 str
                                              So.... yea, getting quick crit/attack speed items seems to be the way to go

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                                                Sven has the same damage as with the previous ult lvl 1/2/3 with 100-104/161-164/217-219 str. Above that, the old ultimate would have been stronger. So as long as you have less strength, than those numbers, your ultimate is stronger then it wasin previous patch(sry for bad eng)


                                                  Sven's main strength in this meta is that he can do massive stacks and clear them very quickly, so by 30 min he would be 2 items ahead of the enemy carries that can't farm stacks as well, and then he just instantly kills most supports and offlaners with ulti + mom. It's so hard to find a good counter to him now cus he has farm advantage and warcry gives so much armour, and he's definitely going to get bkb as his 3rd big item or something.

                                                  13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                    Level 25 Sven no items
                                                    OLD 137 Base DMG + (274 GS DMG)200% = 411 DMG
                                                    NEW 137 Base DMG + 40 STR = 177 + (283 GS DMG)160% = 460 DMG

                                                    Level 25 Sven. Items : BoT/Satanic/Daedalus/Cuirrass/Abyssal/BKB = + 45 Str/164Dmg
                                                    OLD 182 Base DMG + (364 GS DMG)200% = 546 Base DMG
                                                    NEW 182 Base DMG + 40 STR = 222 + (355 GS DMG)160% = 577 Base DMG

                                                    If you want to add up the Items
                                                    OLD 546 Base + 164 = 710 Total DMG
                                                    NEW 577 Base +164 = 741 Total DMG + 800HP from GS

                                                    Sven is way stronger now

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                                                      rtz had 2800 hp/25 armor by 16 minutes

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                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        no idea hows any1s going to kill that hero in ult now


                                                          Do you go SNY on Sven though. He gets tankier + faster MS and AS. But I think there are much better items rather than going SNY

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            yeah you need something like 160 strength to get more dmg from old ult, it's ridiculous. Level 25 sven has 71 from stat growth and base strength I think so you'd need like 2-3 hearts before you get more off old ult.


                                                            2s = 1.6(s + 40)
                                                            2s = 1.6s + 64
                                                            0.4s = 64
                                                            s = 160

                                                            Check it:
                                                            160 strength * 2 = 320
                                                            160 strength + 40 = 200 * 1.6 = 320

                                                            To get to 160 strength, 71 at 25 innate, you still need 89. No realistic sven build has that much. Heart has 40, satanic has 25, s&y has 16, treads have 10 = 91. That would do it. But I doubt anyone builds those 4 items. Still the hp is worth a slight loss of dmg.


                                                              But you just calculate the bonus damage. And the base 41-43 dmg is also amplified. Sven dmg with 160 str:
                                                              Old: (42(avg base dmg) + 160)*3= 606

                                                              You totally left out that the 40 str bonus is not 40*1.6 bonus dmg but 40*2.6 as it gives the 40 dmg and gets the 160% bonus


                                                                He have some good counter like tree and axe. He is not 1st pick material in higher game mmr because if you get these counter you cant do anything against them


                                                                  Is any carry a 1st pick material in high mmr anyway, except picking combos maybe.and you can use MoM temporarily and disassemble it now

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I forgot to include base damage but that actually makes the strength required less. You're multiplying the bonus damage wrong. 200% damage means he gets his base and strength damage times 2, not an additional 200% damage or times 3. And 160% damage is 1.6 not 2.6. Do you really think Sven hits for over 600 a hit with ult up? That'd be insane.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Actually I don't know how it's added maybe it is 3x description doesn't make sense. I'll have to lobby it

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                                                                        well 7.05 sven seriously need buff, but 7.06 is really too much favor for him
                                                                        new jungle thats can stack, New MoM thats greatly boost his early game and can disassemble to other item late game (satanic,butter,thorn)
                                                                        New God strength thats give more damage almost all the time and 40 str is really strong
                                                                        he's my favorite hero and i will be fcking sad if him got heavy nerf (like come on at long last he got a time to shine)

                                                                        hope icefrog dont kill him in 7.07 (his weakness is still the same, so he still shit to hero like medusa,sniper,troll, etc: )

                                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                          Anyways, because Sven was never focusing on STR items, you won't get Satanic before any sort of damage item and SnY isn't all about the STR, we don't really need to calculate too much, you get what you should get
                                                                          Daedalus is buffed and works great for him
                                                                          Just go red and hack everything

                                                                          Why HotD, which you might sell later, when you can get a MoM that helps farm, and give you great DPS when red so you can already start dishing out all the damage on towers and kills after lvl 6 = more gold and impact than some stacks? There are so many camps, pls don't bring back stack. WE WANT MORE ACTION!! Not the old dota that turtles around for 7 minutes and only 3 major fights in a game.

                                                                          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                            Old 42(Base) + 160(STR) = 202 + (404)200% = 606
                                                                            New 42(Base) + 160(STR) = 202 + 40 = 242 + 387(160)% = 629
                                                                            No he doesnt hit 629 alone, This is with 160str sven

                                                                            It would actually need 217Str for the 7.05 Sven to make even
                                                                            Old 42(Base) + 217(STR) = 259 + (518)200% = 777
                                                                            New 42(Base) + 217(STR) = 259 + 40(STR) = 299 + (478)160% = 777

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                                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                                              who the fuck buy Shadowblade to "escape"??? idk why people at low mmr need "escape item"


                                                                                Because team fight and backup is not a thing in low mmr


                                                                                  people that seriously think that he's op is hilarious

                                                                                  disgusting weebs

                                                                                    yeah lol such morons only +10% wr in three days and 56% wr in 5k in less than a week

                                                                                    Savvy Cat

                                                                                      He is op because of what supports can now do with him. I pick CM and stack both sets of ancients 4 times within 8 minutes and another 2-3 hard camps 2-3 times within 3-4 more minutes. He winds up with 2k more net worth than he would have at 14 minutes.


                                                                                        Statistics don't lie. His rise to #1 in win rate speaks volumes.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          What do people build on him now?

                                                                                          Treads and blink obviously. Mask of madness helps farming a ton, really good for solo pickoffs, blink stun mask. But do you still get echo? The double hit with mask seems not that needed, nor do the stats, though the mana regen is really nice. If you still get echo I think there's no way you can get armlet or s&y cus you'll want treads, blink, mom, echo, daedulus, bkb/ac.

                                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                                            OP or not , is really worth to take a note sven is a T1 pick now considering boost up in pick rate and winrate (high)


                                                                                              If anything should tell you that his massive OPness this patch is due to the plus 64 free damage and 800 HP (which is pretty much the best scaling ulti in the game atm) then just compare with the other heroes which like clearing stacks. Luna up 1.3%, gyro up 1.8%. That's the extent of what returning easy stacking to the game does.

                                                                                              Sven gained 7.5% winrate in a single day. What's the difference? Gyro got +5 movespeed and a 0.5 second faster missile.

                                                                                              Sven's also seen the biggest increase in pick rate too. OP shit and seriously needs a nerf since he'll always be Insta ban in competitive by whichever team gets second pick.

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                                                                                                The 40 str bonus still gives 40 plus damage because of the strength grow and 160% bonus(64) so its 104 free damage.


                                                                                                  Cuki why do u say that ?