General Discussion

General Discussionnew rod of atoss

new rod of atoss in General Discussion

    Sup guys!

    Imo, rod rework turned it into more of a carry item. It got even better on int carries for sure! but what about illusion heroes and strength carries who lack lockdown? like luna, tb, sniper? it feels like the abyssal blade for ranged heroes to me! lmk your opinions

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      No, it is now much easier to build for support because 2 bracers > 1vitality/wizardry

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        I can only think of Night Stalker but i tried it and...
        Atos still feels shitty
        Havent tried it on ranged supports
        OK tried bracers+tangoes as offlane Phoenix
        Then tranquil urn b4 atos
        Works pretty nice, with Icarus Dive (Q) + Atos it's a long long snipe, it was also good for my team's Lina but she was pro and didn't need much help really
        so Phoenix check!
        Gonna try on Sky Lina Undying Silencer Pugna

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          I feel the new atos is worse for int carries and better for utility cores now. The new atos cost effectively the same as the old one, but gives 10 less int and 50 less health. While it does give 6 damage and 6 agi which is ~1 armour, int carries who mainly consider it (OD, silencer, skywrath) don't actually need those stats. The build up from 2 bracers is not bad, but the loss of int makes it definitely worse for int carries that needed the extra bit of damage from the int.


            the atos change was to make it more of a support item and that's all, the stats changes rnt that big, the biggest change is the buildup.