General Discussion

General DiscussionTeach me to sf

Teach me to sf in General Discussion

    I can keep the gpm and xpm high but I simply can't seem to win with this hero (1-7 record). What should I do?


      get a team or be versatile (if you have a retard on the team try to save him) just rat and pray for a good clash (im a 2k and not really good
      with the hero but i got a rough idea about him)


        force the issues , a 20-25 mins with two items , almost no hero can out damage sf , so start forcing towers , fights , aegis and snowball from there .
        remember that it is extremely hard to play vs SF from behind


          Snowball more reliably
          End the game asap


            i would write you something but you are higher skill than me.

            however that being said even i can win with sf in 4k when i have a min 20 treads wand aquila dlance sb sny

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              No please write me anything I only have 8 sf games so I probably play like a 1k.

              That being said though sf is such an interesting hero and so hard to play against that I want to learn him so badly.

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              死の恐怖 Haseo

                your tower damage in your last 3 sf game is so low. sf one of the most easy hero to push tier 1 mid tower. 500 gpm xpm average as sf is not high btw . your build is ok , have you try to get sb first before lance at around 11-12 min and start killing and pushing ?


                  ive taken entire raxes with sf while people r fighting, he pushes like a monster.


                    Bud, don't level up necromastery at level 3-5.

                    And if you're not confident about your last hitting skills at first the wave, get razes

                    Rushing a shadowblade after power treads isn't a great idea, get a dragon lance and ring of aqulia for the good stats and sustain

                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      imo i said rush sb cuz in my bracket enemy support rarely punish invi heroes until thier team die like 5-6 time by the same trick . by rushing i mean you already have your core item treads , aquila , bottle , stick


                        Well I can't keep the gpm high in games that everybody including me is feeding but at least I can keep being the top networth in my team.

                        @K that's a very good point. I rarely try and push with sf I always go into jungle when I clear the wave just to play safe so I should work on this.
                        @gr Good point. I go sb first to try and gank as early as possible but that hasn't worked out well for me I guess LOL.

                        I had an sf in my last clinkz game. He fed mid hard because of ganks but he went midas and became a monster late game. Is midas sf a good idea?


                          it it not ok to level necromastery at 3-5 if you are getting very good cs though?

                          also jdf8

                            end with higher nw in mid game power spike unless u know ur carry will break even or better later

                            many game im strong but dont secure rax with aegis #1, then enemy bounce back and my carry is lower impact = tough times somehow. even though sf is still strong in theory


                              Just hit 5k a few days ago, I enjoy playing SF a lot here are some tips I can think of.

                              1. Play SF over and over and over (i've probably played him 150+ matches and still a lot to improve).

                              2. Get used to raze positioning. Max raze first. Skill build is pretty much always...Passive(1)>Raze(2)>Raze(3)>Passive(4)>Raze(5)>Passive(6)>Raze(7)>Passive(8)>Ultimate(9).
                              3. You have massive power spikes at 3-5-7. If the guy you're against mid isn't careful (or you get something like and invis or haste) you can nuke anyone else mid with a triple raze.
                              4. Of course as you would every game...make sure you get a good start (if you're struggling mid ask for an early gank when you are level 3 or 5)
                              4.5 Midas SF is bad unless you are behind, it's only used as a catch up on SF.
                              5. Make sure you rotate from lane to jungle, very easy to farm quickly on SF.
                              6. Once you have your core items pressure the mid tower (if it's not down) watch for when you can counter-gank and help team fights in other lanes.
                              7. I rarely initiate ganks unless I have a haste/double damage and I can be sure we will get a fast kill (with stuns). Players rotate fast in higher games and you can't afford to gank and then have it fail, or even gank and then die as a result (it would be better if you had simply farmed instead). Your supports should be the ones calling for it, don't just venture to a lane and expect to get kills even if you are ahead.
                              8. SF is great for helping team fights once you have your core items - it really requires a lot of map awareness though, for example an early SBlade can mean you get a free kill on their mid or a massive turn around to a team fight in one of the lanes. (invis in and ULT or invis behind and target the weaker supports first).
                              9. Anytime you are in a lane and see an opening to push a tower, do it.

                              The biggest thing for SF I think is literally being aware of what's happening in the game, that way you can push or help counter-gank.

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                                And if you're not confident about your last hitting skills at first the wave, get razes

                                dont ever get razes lvl 1 please



                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                    raze lv1 by dendi new meta!!! not human dagon lv5 sf!


                                      u dont touch buildings and die very often probably for shit 100 gold suport