General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the reasons players are not consistently good at Dota?

What's the reasons players are not consistently good at Dota? in General Discussion

    Is it lack of understanding under certain circumstances?

    The mood that happens outside of the Dota affects the outcome inside of the Dota?

    Not getting enough sleep? Tilting? Playing bunch of games in a row for no reason(you're losing yet you don't stop solo ranked)..

    I'm amazed how sometimes certian players are able to play pretty good game of Dota, and the same people would play literally a different game under different circumstances.

    This obviously applies to me aswell. Just curious on this topic, because it seems that Dota isn't only about being able to understand/execute game properly, but the other stuff from outside of the Dota world would affect the outcome of the certain match.


      i'd say a lot of the stuff that happens to you outside of dota (getting tilted, sleep, not eating or even having the wrong posture) can have a HUGE effect on how you approach the game on that particular day and whether you win/lose


        Obviously cause they are trash and not in the right bracket. Remember most fucktards increase their mmr in a fake way!! They fucking spam OP shit and so on. 2/3 the game might be easy but that third time they are gonna feed cause they're shit. Now, that'sjust assuming they get that trash OP broken hero, they will be more shit when they don't get that role and hero. There you have it, simple logic


          It makes sense, honestly. But then again, are we supposed to be good at all areas in Dota? Coinsidering the fact bunch of us just love the game, but have no plans towards going pro.

          Also, i've seen people (me included) being able to play good with the same hero and bad with the same hero. Does this mean getting matched against different style of players/different drafts affects your way of playing?

          @ severe

          Yeah, that's true. Since I've started taking care of myself(going out more, exercising, trying to get enough sleep, eat properly, not over-doing dota for long periods of time).. I've started to have much more fun, I'd be able to win some hard games, and even when I lost easy ones, I wouldn't get mad.

          I actually started to do something else when things go south, which is AMAZING, since I was never able to do such thing when I had prolonged Dota sessions.

          I think setting limits and controling youself is pretty important even in Dota world.



            A) Yes, I think that some players are ok under some circumstances and terrible under others. For example - most players know to how to win against a LC jungle (just gank it and punsih lanes), but very few players in lower MMR games know how to shut down a LC offlane. Same goes for Meepo in 1-3k mmr games. If someone knows how to micro decently well, they can get a 60% winrate or higher - even if they are garbage. Because no one knows how to play against him Same for Broodmama, as well as other heroes.

            B) It does for me. If I'm in a bad mood, I need to stay away from DotA, or just play non-ranked or custom games.

            C) Lack of sleep will affect everything in life - not just DotA. Reflexes (how quick you react) - even mentally will be noticeable affected.

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            Dire Wolf

              Depends on what you are asking. What's good? Very subjective. What's consistently? Most players do win 50% of their games cus mmr actually works. The point is to place you with players of equal skill so you should end up winning and losing half your games if rated correctly.

              So again what's good mean? We arbitrarily assign cutoffs like oh anyone below 5k is not good, but you know that's like 95% of all players in ranked, probably more like 99% of all players in normal. So no one is good at dota? I'm consistently between 3k and 3300 right now. That's all I got.


                @ Snu

                Even if you get enough sleep, but you put yourself on repeat every day, it will affect you mentally at least(in my opinion, and not only Dota-wise, but everything-wise).

                About the other part of your post;

                Yeah, it makes sense. I think the hard thing is indentifying these problems and getting rid of them.

                I've seen so many players just doing something wrong because they can't get rid of the bad habbit. Bad habbits are really hard to get rid of(in general, once again).


                  over a hundred heroes, and different ways to play each hero. Every game is different, therefore you will not play perfectly every game


                    @ Dire Wolf

                    You can say that everything is subjective and it makes sense to me, but objectivly talking the certain brackets indicate how good/bad you are at this game.

                    So saying that you're a good player with 3.5k MMR is bullshit objectivly, because bunch of people already placed the req. for being good(which is not 3.5k-just an example, not trying to poke anyone here).

                    The point is subjective thing tho. Here's why;

                    Someone is here to improve and set the goals, someone will bounce between road to improvment and playing casually, and someone have no idea what's doing at all. There are some who are satisfied with the current understanding/execution of the Game, so they wouldn't mind losing 50% of the games, in which case MM is doing a great job.

                    The best thing to answer to "what's being consistent" would be: performing at your peak everytime, or better to say, trying to be as good as possibly can(coinsidering the fact you're aware of your self-limitations and so on..)


                      i think that most people just don't tryhard when playing

                      i dont think i can lose in my 3k bracket if i tryhard every game, but i can never do that and i just end up doing mistakese that i know are mistakes and i just dont care to or simply forget to avoid doing.


                        It pisses me off when I am just afk (brained) in a casual match, and retards are tryharding. If you want to tryhard - play ranked ffs.


                          because the game is super complicated and basically made to teach you the wrong things.

                          its the only game where playing it will make you worse at it

                          Dire Wolf

                            Cus snu normal is full of people trying to calibrate for smurfs especially at your skill. If you were like 4k or 2k it probably wouldn't matter as much but 3k is chock full of em.

                            OP I didn't say 3500 was good, I said all I can tell is is my mmr. I never said I was good, I don't think I am very good at dota. But some people would play me and think so. All relative.

                            Issue I think most players have is time and wanting to play what they want. For example I played a couple crystal maiden games, was super ez, I never tried cookie's guide though or played more than a couple cus I don't like it. More fun to play carry for me than to gain mmr. Yes it's frustrating to lose games, but I like carry style more. I try to pick heroes in the meta that have a good shot at winning, but I still pick what I like to play instead of what's best counter or best addition to our team and what not. If I really wanted to win I'd probably spam support in my bracket cus no one plays it and most losses are cus retarded team picks all carries with no disables vs like slark and shit.


                              all heroes unbalanced and your forced to do your role.

                              LETS GO WIN!

                                Stop overthinking and play dota.I can play 7-8 games and still feeling fresh.Taking 15-20 mins break.


                                  @611 thats too much game for one day assuming you still doing work or some good things outside dota


                                    Skilled :). If you're adding me, tell me why and who you are in the comments.


                                      1) mindset matters
                                      2) ppl are creatures of pattern
                                      3) meta changes
                                      4) every game is different
                                      5) how adaptable are you?

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                                        You are probably an emotional player and hugely habit oriented.

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                                            (Answer for why good players are actually GOOD at Dota) Because they play at least 20 games per day, aka they keep the practice on the highest level, aka they keep being good, since that's their job.

                                            In fact, if you notice, the players with very high mmr (5.000 - 6.000 ecc) are the ones who play the most matches per day. In this way they keep "in shape", theyeventually learn new things, and improve themselves.

                                            Also, there are some people who play dotas just for fun and don't care about winning. It's a fact... accept it. Not everyone plays to win. Some people play for fun as well.

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