General Discussion

General Discussion-7s powershot cooldown

-7s powershot cooldown in General Discussion

    Is this some kind of a fucking joke? As if Dota wasn't a triggering game in the first place, you had to go and add this?
    70 minutes into the game my team accepts to go rosh and push high ground because they don't know how to deal with a timbersaw and will keep walking into him hoping for different results and lose all external towers before the enemy even loses tier 1s.
    Oh, but wait, dont be bothered by the constant 400 damage, 2s cooldown, 2600 range high-speed projectile that clears every one of your creepwaves in 2 shots. But wait some more, if you manage to pick her off, there's a timber with aghs! Woohoo!

    P.S. Why do pro KOTL players even buy aghs? Are they fucking retarded? I mean, 70 minutes KOTL is stacked with a halberd, isn't that better?

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      Lol. I'm starting to like u a lot. I think u have potential


        haha XD LOL

        Giff me Wingman

          yeah it's the abed build HAHAHAHAHAHA

          NVM: LuL no lens no octarine, that WR doesn't understand

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            ayy tht dagon prophet fuckd u up.

            and i havent seen battelfury aghs juggernaut ina long time lul. u must be low 2k?


              LOL, dagon prophet was the least of my problems... In fact I picked him off several times solo buying detection and all... The problem was a 7 slotted timbersaw fed over and over again, and if I focus on him with my silver edge, he has lotus orb and a whole team standing behind him before I can finish him off with laguna blade... A sniper with 6 million range thinking he's good standing back and right clicking blindly... The score says it all, I was the only threat they had and they knew it, so they focused my down every teamfight, or in other words, 4 heroes walking outside the base fighting against an aegis timbersaw while my BOTs are on cooldown trying to push out other lanes...
              Whatever, I don't even care anymore...


                have u ever thought of not focusing the timbersaw?



                  its still better than sny vanguard dp and heart of tar OD


                    one of those games lmao


                      ugh u think thats bad. have you seen this anti-mage ursa?



                        ^ wtf are those bots?


                          bots? or pros? it's all a matter of perspective, young one.


                            @Jacked I did, no matter who I initiated on with Silver Edge, I ended up getting only one kill and getting pounded by the rest... The problem was that I needed too many items... I had no armour against sniper and NP... Timbersaw had hex so I needed Linken's.... And the base defense pretty much became 1v5...

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                              the best anti creep wave spell for dota 2.


                                illuminate best anti creep wave spell for dota 2


                                  blademail more worst than that. maggot


                                    ^ The fuck did you just say


                                      u think that's bad?
                                      jacked post the screenshot of my game.
                                      also aghs is kotls best item he literally wudnt need anything else.