General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane

Offlane in General Discussion

    What are good offlaners to climb mmr? I want to try spamming dark seer (he is a cancer without the
    cure), is he good in 4kmmr bracket? Or smthing else

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    pinegrove enjoyer



        DS is good but imo he's too team reliant
        I don't play offlane other than void and tide so I'll just bump up


          axe if they have a melee carry, abadon otherwise.

          mr. rabbit

            cent axe


              axe is a massive pub stomper. on my team always win. on the enemy team, still win but hard af.


                @jacked my hero pool cries to axe

                mr. rabbit

                  almost all of the popular pos 1 carries are countered by axe


                    ^yes true


                      axe is good. centaur is ok, void offlane but core would be better with a different itm build than vlads diffusal manta, sand king is pretty good,

                      mr. rabbit

                        void offlane but core would be better with a different itm build than vlads diffusal manta

                        what is this supposed to mean, offlane is still core and the only other item build is linken rush that builds into manta diff anyway


                          I think void and tide are too weak early on, too slow and item dependant and also cant jungle level 1 without atleast some levels.
                          Axe is a pub stomper, yes, but can only situatioally lane as a solo offlaner. If the enemy supports have short cooldown magical damage harassing spells (like Skywrath, Disruptor, Shadow Demon etc.), he can't.
                          Dark Seer is a very good hero, yes. But as mentioned above, too team reliant. The best he can do is split push and take over a lane against a melee enemy carry. Close to no solo kill potential.
                          Centaur warrunner and magnus are the best offlaners to pick right now I think. Can jungle well, lane well, teamfight well and solo pickoff too. What more could you ask for?

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                            you know i just found out you can remove battle hunger by last hitting? lul

                            mr. rabbit

                              Axe is a pub stomper, yes, but can only situatioally lane as a solo offlaner unless the supports have short cooldown magical damage harassing spells (like Skywrath, Disruptor, Shadow Demon etc.)

                              im not sure what that means but i definitely feel theres something wrong

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                ^bad grammar, edited, happy?


                                  luckily axe can jungle

                                  Om Anton Lari Maraton

                                    NP is good if you know when to/when not to pick him lul. Just don't do stupid things like picking him when your enemy is basically hard counters of you, like nyx, sb, tinker, or clock

