General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting my "real" mmr.

Getting my "real" mmr. in General Discussion

    Hey all,

    I started playing Dota about 10 months ago, at first I thought it sucked because I just didn't understand it. Now that I understand Dota (a bit) I think it is awesome and I want to be the best (just like a few million others). I played my calibration matches as soon as I could and, as expected, I sucked. I got calibrated at 1k mmr. Played about 90 matches ranked after that, just fucking around, and ended up at 0.9k mmr. A month or 3 ago I started taking Dota more serious. I watched guides, replays, pro's, all the good stuff. I made a smurf and after 90 matches I play with players at round and about 3k mmr. I think I manage to do quite ok in those matches and now I want to raise my mmr on my main account. I played about 500 unranked matches here, mostly in party, fucking around with some friends.

    I am going to make an update on my progress every week (if I don't forget), until I have a reached the level where I don't drop or gain (or I just don't feel like updating this thread again). In my update I am gonna put:

    -Things I learned.



    -Further notes.

    The reason im posting this here is that maybe some of you guys can give me some tips, or you could share it if you have a similar story/goal.

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      Week 1:

      Record: 9-3
      Current mmr: 1135
      In this week I mostly played Morphling and Ember. I prefer to play mid but I am gonna try to master a hero in every position:
      Offlane/Support: Omniknight;
      Hard carry/Mid: Morphling;
      Mid: Ember;
      Offlane/Jungle: Axe.

      I felt that my awerness of the map wasnt optimal so for the upcoming week I want to primaraly focus on improving that. Things like carrying a tp, checking items, checking mana etc. will also play a part in this. Next week I wont have a lot of time so I am keeping my goal low.

      Goal mmr: 1200+

      Can someone link me some usefull YouTube channels? If you guys have any further tips, they are more then welcome.


        only useful channels i know are professor fierce, bren dota and gurupathik

        everything else can be learned by replay analysis

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          Getting to 2k should be a walk in a park to anyone who are open minded and willing to improve