General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to make my team stop following me?

How to make my team stop following me? in General Discussion

    SUPER ANNOYING! I can't jungle by myself because their so noob that they can't even ward safely by just smoking or buying a blink dagger.

    and when I smurf they tend to follow me and killsteal from me and I decided to farm and still they keep following me like an insane lunatic who is obsessed with me.

    Pale Mannie

      say hello to the 5 manning your team has decided to do


        How many accounts do you have?


          ^ uhm around 50 ish i guess


            I want to folliw u senpai


              Eheheheh baka onii chan xoxo <3




                  As a support player that's what I do. Find the strongest carry on my team and follow him this means security for me and him.

                  san ka punta?

                    Quit dota 2


                      by abandoning the game if u are too noob to play it.


                        when they are walking behind you rip a huge fart thatll show them


                          you guys have no eyes, brain and common sence. I need a 5k here not some trash 1ks and 2ks.


                            why talk about MMR when u dont have any mmr, and are just normal skillz.


                              jacked and gothe are the only retards here -.-


                                and u are our leader


                                  I think diox actually understands this game less than my brother does. Which it's a major acomplishment to have less understanding than someone that thinks a 4-16 alchemist game is good.

                                  Player 368673122

                                    play tiny and toss them in, they realise they cant disable help with toss and youll never see them again, kthxbyetrash


                                      They realise you are a liability if left on your own and are trying to save you from feeding.

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        ayy diox what up


                                          I can survive the game myself their just noobs trying to kill steal from me because my hero is effective at killing heroes but not effective at securing a kill from kill stealers.


                                            2 hours ago

                                            I think diox actually understands this game less than my brother does. Which it's a major acomplishment to have less understanding than someone that thinks a 4-16 alchemist game is good.

                                            can 1k retards stop commenting here. your comments are pointless like a needle that doesn't have a sharp end.

                                            Goethe's Shadow

                                              I ain't commenting


                                                dem son diox making tons of vhs accounts but ended up in ns so he makes new account thus making a loop


                                                  "can 1k retards stop commenting here. your comments are pointless like a needle that doesn't have a sharp end."

                                                  So does that mean you're gonna stop commenting?

                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                    Diox, can u stop being a retard and, you know, actually try to learn how this game works instead of whining on dotabuff, if you don't want to do that, there's always the option of quitting dota or killing yourself SeemsGood


                                                      I love diox, we are on the same level of thinking ♥ and same level of skills tbh


                                                        then kys