General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone who wants to play some LP games with me?

Anyone who wants to play some LP games with me? in General Discussion

    Only reason is, I don't like playing LP games alone. I got LP because of the blackout yesterday. :sad:


      SEA Server only though.

      ILC - Lethal Ninja

        me. add me please.

        ILC - Lethal Ninja

          most likely you can carry me


            ROFL. 2 straight abandons. Okay then.

            ILC - Lethal Ninja

              my patient came earlier than expected.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Oh,aren't you the one who like to flame me when I in LP? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                  ^I won 4 of 4. You won 1 of 12 stupid. At least I'm not the guy who got his LP being reported for being a shitstain teammate. Stay LP forever dummy. Can't get out of LP because he has no Lycan. How sad. :sad:

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    LUL Never thought of the part that spammers can't do shit in Single Draft
                    But my lil bit of versatility was forced by Single Draft too so lets hope 1-icetea masters some new heroes on his way out

                    And from the games, I can assume 1icetea you have Blink-Dagger-phobia? You replaced Slardar and LC's core with Shadow Blade xD

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                      ^I spam too, but I can play almost any hero decently, unlike 1-IceTea who only knows how to play lycan. ROFL.

                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                        icetea i can help you out

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          ^I throw 10/12 you try hard 4/4 I got 6K opponents while at best you got is 4K noob HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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                            ^Just admit it. You can't play on your bracket unless it's Lycan.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Who want to win when you can troll and happy with that xD

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                ^^I won 4.8K with random ES jungle HAHAHAHAHA NS SCRUB


                                  Suit yourself. I won't stoop down to your retarded brain.

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                                      @1-IceTea : We can clearly see that your unranked mmr dropped to high skill
                                      LUL FACING 6K IN HIGH SKILL LULLLLLLLL

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                                        ^ not to mention he went 3-15 on Normal Skill LP game.


                                          This thread should be closed by now. I already finished my LP alone.

                                          mentally handicapped

                                            being a jerk has caught up to you lice

                                            ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                              ok congrats. i just ended my work and should start clearing later.


                                                add me i am lp player too. when played on sea. i still get good ping on sea

                                                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                  meme how to add you


                                                    ^study more to find out.


                                                      meme i add you clear some lp if you still want

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        Aww the party between me and the Visage didn't show up?

                                                        Look at the time when I play the game,it was OG vs VP I watching it and some retard pull me into his party (I posting selling account in public chat) and start the game without asking.I scolded him and he feed himself and courier,by the look on HS (3500-3700) He clearly is 2K noob xD

                                                        Remember OP,the distance between you and a 2K is much nearer compair to you to me

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                          ^Good luck


                                                            Let's start repoting people who spam specific heroes with soecific build